I'm not sure if it would be morally right for me to receive any money from NTM, because the money is tainted. People have donated money in good faith that it is going to be used to help the spiritual and physical needs of folk around the world who are less fortunate than themselves, but how much of it really got there?
If an abuser fell on their knees and asked if they could repay their debt, then I would consider taking compensation or if someone specifically offered to pay an abusers debt.
Alas what has happened in the past can never be undone, money might ease the future, but it won't punish those who really need to be punished, because it will come from the extortion of more innocent people. Two wrongs won't make anything right.
My fear is that the moment compensation is handed out, there will alas be greedy MKs and hangers on who suddenly discover they were abused and the genuinely horrifically abused will be hurt in the stampede, because their voice will be drowned out again.
And that is how I see this issue.