For my sins, after my MK years I became a nurse and did 30 years before more or less opting for early retirement.
As a nurse I saw pain, death, anguish, grief and suffering in bucket loads. But what distinguished a good nurse from a great nurse was that one saw each patient and their family as an individual. For many it was their first encounter with a serious illness (I did cardiology) and they were often in various states of shock. Two patients with the same diagnosis, did not present in the same manor and therefore couldn't be treated by some formula read in a book. Some patients treated their conditions as a minor set back and at the other extreme, some just curled up their toes and gave life away.
And it is the same with PTSD. Many MKs suffer from it and the isolation element of their childhoods made it considerably worse. But for each it is an individual journey, made easier by finding others to reflect on, talk about and even shed emotion over. Many of us have shared our childhoods on forums like this. Other MKs have chosen not to.
I can see where Paul is coming from, I don't necessarily agree with all he says, but at least he has the courage to get involved. The prerequisite for being a good cardiac nurse was not having a heart attack myself to get the full experience, but to be empathetic with each individual patient. So saying, while only an MK will truly have an insight into the nuts and bolts of MK life, differing backgrounds and viewpoints is what keeps this site going, otherwise it becomes stale very quickly.
I don't think I've suffered from PTSD in any great form, despite a traumatic MK childhood. But I've battled with the demon/s of my past right up till a few years ago when I discovered I was not alone and that what I experienced was not a "figment of my ungrateful imagination" as my father ranted at me. I spent too much of my life trying to please someone who would never be pleased with anything I did unless he could have control of my mind and when I finally walked away from that and turned the tables, I got peace at last from my past.