Message to Captain of NTM - Titanic,
Have recieved your latest communication, and am responding.
If you look down from the bridge you will see several tugboats, I'm the annoying one called BEMUSED, the others can tell you who they are themselves. You are in big trouble, we can see the gash and it's huge. Hard for you to see, but from down here it's really big.
What we can do is help you keep afloat by offering some good advice. This advice won't be available from your officers, because they have been trained to navigate and operate within strict guidelines. You need to be really creative and you need to move fast, because you are already on a lean and when the salt water hits the boilers it's all over! This might buy you enough time to get a brave emergency crew down below and start trying to stop more water coming in, or at least get the lifeboats launched.
Firstly, communicate with every family in NTM or ex-NTMers and tell them it is a fact there were paedophiles operating in NTM, and you strongly suggest they ask their kids if they are o.k. If they are good, if not get ready with the lifejackets and don't be stingy with them!
That will keep you busy for a while, have your radio operator standby for further instructions.
Now if you would prefer to chance it alone, that is your choice. Just do me one favour, get everyone on board to where they should be before the old girl sinks. Get the women and children into the lifeboats. Leave the paedophiles on the deck shuffling the deck chairs, stay with your boat, it is the honourable thing to do and leave the Australians in the bar singing "How Great We Art"!, they deserve their last drink.
I await your decision.
Bemused (The little tugboat that could)