This is becoming a very interesting discussion.
Highlander is right, I arrived at Numonohi after the HQ was transferred from Oliguti. There were the accounts of brutal physical "punishment" circulating then. Numonohi was run by the authoritarian Jim Finnamore, a Bob Jones educated soul. The physical violence decreased, but I would venture to say that the mind manipulation was increased. The strange custom of bragging about bizarre practises to others (including kids) was rife. I was a nobody, yet I can recall dormparents and teachers telling me of their strange "disciplinary" measures and in the case of Jim Given, his wandering hands. It was truly bizarre. Jim Finnamore happily boasted about his ability to intimidate MKs so well that they wouldn't be able to add 2 + 2. And that was the culture, which seemed to be accepted as some sort of normal. There was still the child beaters, but interestingly they were overrepresented by female missionaries. With Jim Finnamore in charge, there was less of a need for physical violence, because the control was exerted through mental manipulation. Hence my point about the input of garbage, what was taught as theology was offensive elitist racist rubbish. Yes there were several staff who were kind to MKs beyond the call of duty (and these have been publicly acknowledged in another thread), but there were far to many who must have know what direction was being taken and said nothing.
Other fields were obviously not like this and therefore the MK experience was different and even within PNG, eventually Jim Finnamore moved on and it would appear that so did the more drastic control measures. Therefore is it any wonder that MKs from PNG and other similar run fields had a higher than average incidence of PTSD and other related problems, including addictive illnesses? While other MKs from different fields are wondering possibly what the fuss is about or how did so much variation occur when all staff went through similar training regimes.
As for "Brainwashing". Some of the worlds most intelligent men have allowed themselves to be such, it is called "Freemasonry". The point being, that it can happen to anyone, but there does have to be an element of allowing it to happen usually and that is probably another issue well worth exploring. But it generally starts as a gradual process and as each level is ascended the exit gate closes behind, because the individuals mind allows it to be.
Many thanks for the enlightening posts and discussing some controversial issues with decorum.