Just done a quick check and I am definitely not female, but your observation is correct, most regular contributors are female. This could be because most victims of sexual abuse were females and males abused tend to not discuss things. Or it could be that females are more articulate and able to express their feelings better.
Mrs Bemused does not read this site, she is however fascinated how things are progressing and we often discuss developments. I am very fortunate to have someone who is both proud and supportive of what has been accomplished. She does not begrudge the time I spend tapping away at the keyboard, for as she says "I have changed for the better and others are being helped through their nightmares too". Mrs Bemused is abhorred by Child Abuse also and is very supportive of anyone who makes the effort to attain justice, healing and an end to sexual exploitation.
Much of the credit for Bemused being able to fly free after barely getting off the ground for so many years, is because I have Mrs Bemused as my copilot/navigator and we work well as a team.
I would not be worried at all that your boyfriend has not asked for the address of this forum (it's very easy to find anyway), the fact that he supports you is a very good reason for making him a keeper
As for my sanity level. Mrs Bemused knows that I am completely certifiable, yet she loves me anyway
. I am truly fortunate.