A purple shopping bag? Ummmm, how do I politely decline?
One of the interesting things about being in Australia is that the shops are bigger than back in Kiwiland. This is an endless source of fascination for the likes of Mrs Bemused and so poor old Bemused has spent far to much time trudging around endless clothes shops, trying to maintain a smiling countenance, yet noticing that the shops are filled with deliriously happy members of the fairer gender and the occasional bored male species. On this matter we are definitely not created equal, I just don't have the capacity to enjoy long hours trying on endless racks of garments and I am still mastering the art of tactfully replying to that question that every male dreads "honey does this make me look . . ." This is like an NTM boot camp conundrum, you have to get the correct answer and deliver it sincerely, or you are liable to never be forgiven and will be reminded of it regularly until you commit an even worse sin!
Of course I am not complaining and being in the land of opportunity (or as we Kiwis call it, the West Island) does have some significant advantages, such as it isn't freezing in winter. We just won't mention being pulled aside at the border for a spot check for explosives, that's a story for another day.
So hope that politely answers your kind offer of a shopping bag, I much prefer a backpack and the outdoors to shopping.
P.s. I realize my account of shopping woe will raise very little sympathy amongst my fellow Fanda Eagles, for only a brave male will dare agree and my female fellow Eagles will wonder what on earth all the fuss is about
