Thanks, yes that is it.
My personal experience was that there were Adult male egos that needed to be pandered to and these egos were stroked at the expense of subservient wives and children that were seen but not heard.
I remember sitting at a friends family meal table and the parents asking in turn each of their children how their day was and listening as each little person gave an account of the highlights of their day.
When I search my foggy memory for similar actions in my own MK existence, I can't recall that happening. It was all about "the work", "the ministry" and somehow kids were just along to make up the numbers and smile on the prayercards to create the illusion of a happy family giving their all, who needed $$$$ to . . . .
My friends kids turned out fine, they still have a family and they are still interested in what each other does in their daily lives.
That is not the case for me.
P.s. Dear Frozen friend from the North. It is winter here and this is South. So it should be Summer up there. What happened to global warming?