Do you remember the petition we signed last year? It is still available for viewing in its entirety at:
524 people signed this petition requesting NTM to use an independent, third-party agency to investigate MK abuse in other settings in addition to Fanda.
In light of the recent reports and findings of child sexual and physical abuse at the NEW TRIBES MISSION school for missionaries’ children in Fanda, Senegal, we, the undersigned, submit this petition to the Executive and Child Protection Committees of New Tribes Mission.
The purpose of this petition is twofold:
1) to insist that New Tribes Mission (hereafter referred to as NTM) employ an outside agency to conduct the investigations of further child sexual and physical abuse allegations at NTM schools, training facilities or other entities under the auspices of NTM, and
2) to raise awareness regarding the ongoing child sexual and physical abuse and cover-up within NTM and provide outside accountability in dealing with these investigations.
New Tribes Mission, an evangelical Christian mission organization based in Sanford, Florida, United States, operates at locations worldwide. As evidenced by the GRACE report, NTM has failed to act in a timely and responsible manner when presented with facts of child abuse at their facilities, has repeatedly covered up the abuse and has allowed the perpetrators to remain unpunished by failing to report these crimes to the proper legal authorities.
Because of this blatant disregard by NTM to act legally and responsibly, not only in reporting these crimes but also in their investigations of the crimes, we, the undersigned, demand that New Tribes Mission employ an outside third-party, at the discretion of the affected MKs, to conduct investigations and make recommendations for the handling of reporting these crimes, further investigations, compensation for the victims and proper avenues for legally reporting the crimes. ************
It's "report card time". How do we feel NTM is doing in responding to the demands made in this petition?