@anotherMk: My parents never pressured any of their kids to enter the pastoral or mission ministries. Both my father and grandfather served God in the pastorate, and my parents served as missionaries on the field in Brasil for nearly 14 years. They continue to serve as home-based missionaries with a mission headquartered in Pa. I am thankful they let us find God's leading for our lives vocationally speaking. They gave us the benefit of their wisdom when asked. They also nurtured within us the desire to utilize outside resources, in addition to God's Word (i.e., godly counsel of others, personality tests, and gift assessment) to best maximize the decision-making process. Never once did they imply that to follow them as missionaries was the ONLY path to choose. I know many of my MK friends, raised in NTM, felt pressured to do the "Waukesha-Camdenton-field route", else they risked ostracization or being viewed as a "second-class" Christian.
To be sure, I also have many NTM MK friends whose parents did NOT pressure their kids one way or the other. They allowed God to lead, while being open to advising their kids on all the alternatives for serving an all-knowing, all-powerful, and infinitely creative God Who can utilize the many talents He's instilled in all of us in any number of ways and vocational callings.
So glad you allowed your kids to listen to God and His leading, not some "corporate missional mentality" that states "broad is the way to hell (i.e., uselessness, waste, not a "true calling" or God's "perfect will"), but narrow the road of being a New Tribes Missionary as the one God REALLY wants for His children."
And yes, indulgences are still available after midnight on the quandra for those who know the secret knock and give the highest bid!