[quote="M.A.R.S."]II thought maybe a list of statements and questions would be the easiest way to find out if others feel the same way: So, do you ever say or feel:
1) My spouse will leave me; (s)he can't possibly love me. Others who did love me left me.
Well...I am newly divorced over the third affair my spouse had...so I might have been right?2) My spouse has no idea who I really am.
See #1...3) I can never bridge the gulf between me and my spouse, (s)he can never really understand me and it's my fault.
I always used to joke that I didn't fit in anywhere but in a room full of other MKs...didn't fit in where we lived overseas and definitely didn't fit in when we came back to America!4) Do you feel horrified at the thought of leaving your child in the church nursery?
I can't leave my children ANYWHERE without having to battle back panic and confront lies. And then sometimes I decide it's not worth the risk. (yes I homeschooled my children for the first four years and the only reason I'm not now is because I have to go back to school so I can feed them!)5) Do you look at every person in two ways: (s)he is innocent and godly; (s)he is hiding a pedophelia bent and will molest my child while I'm away.
Thank you so much for voicing this. I always feel so guilty thinking those things about people and wonder what's wrong with me that I think EVERYONE is evil!6)The idea of your child going to school terrifies you even though he comes home every single day.
7) Every time you discipline your child you feel that you have abused him, even though you have never bruised him or screamed at him.
Never really sure I'm hitting the balance of not abusing while still disciplining. I usually err on the side of not disciplining, which is probably not doing my kids any favors.8) Every time you hear a child cry you are wrenched with horrible fear and pain that the child is being beaten/molested.
...and call the police
9) If I could only forget everything in the past, good or bad, I could be the person my spouse needs me to be.
I tried so hard to do it too....10) If my spouse could only know truly what it was like, I would feel more safe in my marriage.
11) I will pass all my insecurities to my children and they'll hate me just like I hated my parents.
I don't hate my parents, but I definitely feel like I have done a good job of passing on my insecurities, without even realizing I was doing it. Thank the Lord for an amazing counselor who's helping me see truth!12) My children are doomed because I just can't get it together.
I am thankful for the hope I have in the Lord that He can do great things in them. I'm so proud of the people they are becoming in spite of their mother!! At least they will have DIFFERENT things to talk about in therapy when they are older LOL13) My children deserve a different parent than me.
Yep, I've definitely thought that...but I wonder if maybe every parent does?14) My spouse just doesn't care. (Even though (s)he listens endlessly and prays and offers to help in anyway (s)he can.)
My spouse didn't seem to care and ridiculed my fears.15) You used to scoff at those who had a hard time sending their children to camp for one measly week; now you know you'd almost rather have your arm ripped off then let your child go away for one measly week.
I finally sent my kids to camp for a week last year, and just about had a panic attack, even though they came home every afternoon. It was one of the hardest things I ever did, and one of the best things I ever did for them.quote]
Good list...Thanks for putting into words so many fears. I think there are a lot of people dealing with these issues. It took me way too long to recognize the lies I believed since I was a child. The difficult journey this last year has been has begun what I think is finally real, true healing as I learn to trust God in a way I never knew I could. I'm so thankful for the hope of Heaven, and that I am safe in His arms, here on Earth.