How it helps to read what others are going thru when we just can't get over this huge painful area in our souls because of our (in comparison) small abuse! We believe it's there for others we have heard of who are still experiencing this same kind of abuse. And for the ones we do not know about. To think there may be no way to address this and stop it is heart-wrenching.
We face a new possibility of abuse if we go ahead with something here. Something that would involve millions of people, literally.
How can we not cry? How can we not hurt?
Keeping this a really safe place is SO necessary. Open to ALL. And to All forms of expression. (Ok, not swearing.

Remember that discussion? )
And how it helps to read the encouragement some have for others! We don't even know how far-reaching this is and what the Lord is doing. The results we desire may be peanuts in the light of what God has planned.
O, God, continue to teach us and mold us and give us a part in bringing glory to You!