MkWife said "what about all the times FC's had their meetings against ONE child or individual?"
What's an FC?
I was called to a meeting when I was 16 years old. I was harangued for 3 hours, told I was rebellious, wicked, God didn't love me, and that I had to repent, over and over again, verses were read at me, I was told I had a wicked heart for not crying and weeping and repenting, I would be cast out by God etc. It was over the dinner hour so I was really hungry and began feeling lightheaded. All the people there were the bigwigs of the 70s in Vianópolis. The thing is I can't remember some of the names. I was in the girl's dorm at the time (inspite of my login, I'm female), and I can't remember the woman's name who 'took care of' us, and who was one of the haranguers (and also went through the wastebasket in my bedroom to get evidence against me). I think it began with a D.