"An interesting problem that has not been completely addressed is: What should be done with abuse allegations and resultant findings of an internal investigation in relation to the field of service? There is concern with regard to what authorities on some foreign fields of service might do to the offender. Since NTM does not usually involve local authorities in allegations and internal investigations, is NTM in some way violating local law as well as jeopardizing the mission’s presence in that country?"
NTM Policy Manual on Abuse
Revised October 2002
Pages 12-13
That's a little different from the PNG Constitution:
"We declare our first goal to be for every person to be dynamically involved in the
process of freeing himself or herself from every form of domination or oppression so
that each man or woman will have the opportunity to develop as a whole person in
relationship with others."
http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public ... 117452.pdfOne one hand you have New Tribes, committed to protecting pedophiles from local governments while concerned, not with the welfare of the child, but maintaining its presence in the country.
On the other hand, you have the PNG government committed to protecting its people from domination or oppression.
Raise your hand if you like Papua New Guinea.
Boo loudly if you like New Tribes.