This can still be found on the NTM website though: ... s&crm_id=1MISSIONARY TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP
"New Tribes Mission's training equips people to minister to a tribal group, learning the culture and language, translating the Bible and teaching evangelistic Bible lessons with the goal of establishing a tribal church. Though the training is provided at the lowest possible cost, many candidates still need financial help.
Missouri Baptist Foundation has offered a matching-funds scholarship program. Through 2012 they will match $.50 on the dollar. This fund will begin creating an endowment."
According to the information on the page, NTM is hoping to raise $250,000 for this scholarship. They report that they have $91,432 of that left to raise.
I'm not a math whiz, but I think that means that $158,568 has already been donated to this fund. If the Missouri Baptist Foundation is matching .50 on each dollar raised,
does that mean the Missouri Baptist Foundation has so far contributed $52,856 to help with the training of new recruits for NTM?Alone in the Twilight Zone, my head is spinning ....