It hasn't quite been three days since I wrote the first post on this thread but it has been a tremendous help to me and my spouse. I thank each one that has posted; it is serving the purpose I hoped for.
I've tried to think through some points I want to make in order to be succinct yet clear. I really don't want to just rehash old grievances or repeat what has already been said on other threads (although there are just way too many to read, so repetition will probably be inevitable and THANK YOU Agast for reposting the one you did!) I would be so grateful if others will post what has helped them and their spouses or children. Does this make sense? I'm fighting for my marriage and children. No, I'm not about to lose them to divorce but marriages can become dead without actual divorce. Satan wishes to destroy marriage and, by God, my spouse and I refuse to let this happen. We know we must fight the roaring lion who seeks whom he can devour. I thank God my dear spouse walks with God and trusts Him; in this I am not alone.
Please, anyone who has perhaps direct examples and experiences (the picture album story is perfect) whether you are the MK spouse, nonMK married to an MK, MK married to an MK (double the trouble?

, NTer with MK children married to nonMK etc, etc, will you consider sharing so that the light at the end of the tunnel will burn brighter?
Here are few more things that have crossed my mind to help this conversation:
(1)Has your well meaning spouse (with baggage of her/his own as mentioned by ViaWing's spouse) ever said to you: Why can't you just forget the past and start over new with our marriage and life? And how did you respond? It sounds reasonable after all.
I was horrified at the very thought of this. My identity is wrapped up in my MK experience. I wasn't sure what to say. I just stumbled trying to explain that forgetting the past would be like having a frontal lobotomy!(2)When you as an abused person perceive that your spouse is purposefully hurting you, how do you respond? How do you separate the lie from the truth?
At this time, I respond in anger at the smallest perceived wrongs; I feel that I'm purposefully being run over because I'm not worth loving since I'm dirty and used and have been left before. I know in my head this is wrong, so I'm working to know this in my heart as well, but currently we have many hurtful arguments because I can't believe I'm truly loved or worth loving.(3)How have you learned to guide and direct your children according to God's Word without constantly being afraid you are abusing them?
In this I rely on my parents who are not the same people they were when I was sent to boarding school; they have helped guide me. I also have read Dare to Discipline by Dobson. In addition I'm again grateful to my spouse who was disciplined properly when growing up and helps to balance my twisted outlook.
I will share some of my tactics for fighting the enemy. There are many things to share but I'm trying to keep this thread focused on marriage and children.
First, just as lies are repeated in my mind I need to repeat truth in my mind. It feels silly at first but I began repeating to myself "My spouse loves me and is not the enemy." I had to do it because the opposite was running repeatedly through my mind.
Second, a counselor (we attended for two sessions and I couldn't take any more but I came away with one gold nugget) told us that I was both pushing and pulling my spouse with my actions and attitudes. She said I was pushing away in anger at potentially being used, then pulling back in fear of being left. She said we were headed for divorce. Yes, she was very blunt! It scared me to death to hear her say that but she said I would eventually wear my spouse down until there was nothing left of patience and love. I began to evaluate my actions in that light from that day forward.
Third, I try to remember my spouse is human too; as ViaWings said, her past is not like mine, but it still had pain and sorrow that had to be overcome therefore I must remember that my spouse needs to be treated with love and gentleness just as I wish to be treated. In other words, It's not all about me and my dysfunction!
Long winded again. I will wait with great anticipation to see what others will share. I still hope to be anonymous but if you know who I am, please send me a PM. I certainly won't be angry; I would rather know I'm found out than go on thinking I'm not. You know--a true friend tells his friend when there's a booger hanging out!