Hmmmmmmmmmm, not sure I would want to have the services of a counsellor off NTM's list of "Biblical Based" Counsellors.
I think I'd rather hear, "Oh dear what a mess Bemused, lets see if we can help by . . . . " rather than "You know Bemused, if you just let go and let God and forgave and weren't bitter and went to church and hugged your father and respected your elders and believed that the new guidelines are working and prayed and read your bible, then you would be fine, next please"
Maybe I'm a bit cynical, but in my little world "Biblical Based" hasn't worked, common sense and raw reality has.
But then I am truly blessed with Mrs Bemused, who sorts out the fog of this MKs mind
P.s. my experience of churches who send Tribers out, is that they don't want to know about what happened to the kids of Tribers or anything about child sex abuse.