It is hard to know what to write when one reads this.
It is an absolute series of tragedys. But tragedys that could have been easily avoided if there had been no incident of initial abuse. I am assuming the MK in question was abused and then went on to abuse others as a result of that. So one case of abuse proliferates out to another 5 and then on to the next generation and who knows where from there.
I used to think that the missionaries I met in NTM were good sincere people, with the odd exception. Now I'm not sure at all how much sincerity there really was. As I have trudged the last 18 months on Fanda Eagles and found out that adult after adult from my past was implicated or participated in this scandal, I really wonder what some of them were doing on the field. Of course most did not participate in the evil of which we read day after day, but they are also not participating in the clean up of the mess either. They don't reply to e-mails and they continue with their attitude that really not much happened and that it has all been blown out of proportion by a few disgruntled MKs. Tomorrow is Sunday, Kiwi Tribers and ex Tribers will be off to church, just like their counterparts worldwide. But what about people like Abused Widow, just another casualty that is not mentioned or is just sent a text like the ones I get "how are you today?" or "thinking of you" (which reads, I've done my religous duty for the week, so my conscience is clear). Meanwhile God will be thanked for His continuing generostiy and beeseched for even more generosity to further the cause. Because the work must go on and at all costs, no matter who has been discarded along the way.
But the NTM casualty morgue is full and overflowing and I'm tired of looking at body after body. And even a hardened soul who has seen a career of human suffering, disease and tragedy feels ill when he reads this awful account, for it could have so easily have been much closer to home, because the ingredients that caused this are far to familiar.
Yes I'm tired of looking at body after body in the NTM casualty morgue, but at least there are some of us who care enough not to turn a blind eye and to reach out where we can.