I think that any supporting church is entitled to, and should ask ANY questions of concern - whether they address past/current/future safety measures for MK's, better accountability for missionaries in isolated areas, the need for licensed clinical psychologists to routinely visit each field and offer their services to any missionary or MK who needs it, NTM's detailed plan of action regarding this website's concerns/members/goals, the investigations, & all of the broken MK's out here . .. Yes, this is "new" leadership - but it's still NTM - baggage & all were passed on with the change of names/faces in Sanford. It is their responsibility to take the steps necessary to rectify the gross injustices, the faulty teachings, & the blatant mishandlings of so many abuses.
And I wish churches would pass the concern on to other churches, supporting or not. For us to make it known is very hard - without seeming like "embittered, vengeful, whiny, unforgiving, money-grubbing, hateful MK's." I wish the church (local & universal) would step up and offer support and require accountability. We are, after all, brothers & sisters in Christ - some of us broken, some in denial, some trying to save face, some playing it safe, some furious, some evading the issue, some scorning, some grieving - but all human, & all appreciative of a supportive act, an encouraging word, & all desiring peace in our minds and healing in our hearts.