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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:57 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:47 pm
Posts: 3
Hi All,

I am a grown missionary kid and have been following this board for several years.
Some of the people who have been posting on here who have really helped me to make sense of parts of my life and I am very grateful for that.

Today I was thinking about whether there are people reading this board who have never really been involved in missions but would like to help those children who have been abused overseas. I cannot be absolutely sure about everything about them because I have never worked or volunteered for them but I did see the work of the International Justice Mission and they look to be working to stop the abuse of children overseas generally, which I think could have a positive effect on the lives of missionary kids in the sense of helping to scare people off abusing abroad. Could supporting them as well as the work of GRACE be something that we could get behind?

I think that Missionary Kids as a group have a strong sense of tenacity when they get behind a cause (though it's hard to put such a varied range of individuals in a group). Do you think we could help to continue to springboard this as well as anti-trafficking work in our own countries?

I appreciate that some of the people on here are already working as hard as they can or have to much personal trauma to deal with but if you are reading and would like to help but feel powerless to know how,, is this something you could consider?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:05 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Hi youmakemesmile! It's always great to hear from people who have been reading here on these Forums. I often wonder who the silent readers are .... it means a lot to know you care and have been following along.

Yes, I think many of us care deeply about child abuse, no matter where it happens and no matter who it happens to. Here on Fanda Eagles we are specifically working to raise awareness about the prevalence in the past of the abandonment, neglect and abuse of the children of the missionary members of NTM. But I know that I, for one, care deeply about all children. I care so much that I get rather triggered by it ... I quickly get over-emotional and fall apart.

I have definitely heard of IJM, but have not done any research on it (yet). Perhaps others have, and they may have something to contribute to this conversation.

May we continue to have the strength and the courage to protect and/or rescue the children who need us! They are so very vulnerable.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:10 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:47 pm
Posts: 3
Thank you Raz! You don't know me but you have helped me through your posts.

I am extremely glad that people are being brave enough to speak up about the protection of missionary kids.

A few thoughts I have on this which may/may not make sense:
When God sacrificed Jesus for our sins, Jesus agreed. He wasn't an unwilling victim. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, despising its shame. Then God raised him to life.
The Apostle Paul also wrote about not wanting the money of the Christians, but wanting them. I believe there is a streak of not forcing people into being generous. It needs to come from their heart. The children of missionaries are to be loved and cared for by their parents. I have learned much from seeing what my parents sacrificed. Those who send a child to a country they have not grown up in to start at college without family or support where there is an alternative? Is that a sacrifice the child/teen should be forced to make?

I don't know the ins and outs of every family that has done this. Just a plea to missionaries and us all to consider that though your sacrifice may be beautiful, it might be worth praying for wisdom that we don't make sacrifices that are not ours to make.

The International Justice Mission works with local police in a range of countries abroad to see perpetrators brought to justice. They include trained investigators and lawyers. My hope is that the strengthening of local police on these issues and successful investigations could help MKs as well as local children who are being abused by paedophiles. I also think it is vital to keep working with mission organisations and raising awareness in churches of child protection from the other side. Perhaps different groups of us can focus on one or the other. It can only be a good thing to be aware of each other though(?)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:25 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Very helpful input.

Thank you so much!

I looked at the IJM website. I am thinking that in addition to supporting their current efforts, we could consider that if any current MK abuse comes to light, IJM might help us, especially in knowing how to respond in an international setting. Pedophiles should be arrested and prosecuted in the country where they were preying on innocent children. Or if not, they should be extradited to their home country and be prosecuted there.

I am thankful that laws have changed, and missionaries will no longer be able to get away with sexual abuse just because they are doing it in another country.

At least I hope they don't get away with it. I would hope mission leaders would no longer protect abusers the way they sometimes did in the past.

I appreciate your thoughts about the price that children pay for the dedication of their missionary parents. We have discussed this here before. The sacrifices adults choose to make personally for the cause they are passionate about is one thing. Forcing their children to make personal sacrifices without them really having a choice is a whole different matter.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:07 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:47 pm
Posts: 3
Thank you Raz. You summarize it very clearly. God bless you.

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