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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:16 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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This wouldn't have happened at Numonohi. There were a lot of selfish, judgemental types who looked after their own interest first, their co-workers of same origin second, other co-workers from nearby countries of origin third, foreign coworkers fourth and Brown Gold didn't get much of a look in. I remember visiting my parents when they were running a guest house and being told to be careful not to be to friendly with the locals who worked on the site, when any of our masters were around, because they had the habit of delivering personal ministry and heading to the field committee with what they saw. And then it became uncomfortable for us, because in any difference of opinion, we were not allowed an opinion, even when the other opinion was blatantly rascist and against all that is written in the good book.
My parents should have got out when they turned up for training in Australia, the rascism started there and it wasn't the Australasians who were enforcing it. But we plugged on and I think it did my fathers head in, for despite his faults, he was never a rascist and he genuinely liked the locals in his own way and had to keep quiet about the raw hatred that some of his masters exhibited.

I still scratch my head when I'm having one of those contemplative days and wonder what on earth possessed those who had no compassion for the locals and often tried to have very little to do with them, to actually become missionaries in the first place. On this issue I agree with my father, it was so very very wrong!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:34 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:44 am
Posts: 318
And nothing has changed, for a lot of those folk! I've found many of the MKs and their parents I used to know on Facebook and some of the racial rubbish they post is really offensive! Not the females, but males!

I agree 100%, what are these people doing associated with an international mission! Keep them at home where they can live in their narrow minded little groups and not spread their poison!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:27 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:04 pm
Posts: 3724
Bemused, we are really sad and sorry for what you experienced there.
As well as any MKs from NZ. It sounds so much worse than other places.
Deja do, no wonder you want to DO something about the past and
Not just remember it. (vu)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:41 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:44 am
Posts: 318
Been doing a bit of research and found out some interesting stuff. NTM sent down some of their men to Australia to set up a colony! But they didn't send nice good christian types, they sent some rascisist arrogant sods! They made a real mess insisting on their warped point of view being the only way! While Australians are sort of like Americans, New Zealanders don't like rascism, so a lot of them upped and outed!
They should of never come, stayed at home and kept their crap to themselves! Saved us all a lot of heartache!

Good on you MB for responding to this shocking subject, it's a shameful ephisode in NTM history, but it happened like all the other abuse and until rascism and arrogance is stomped out of NTM, NTM will not be fit to work anywhere in the world!

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