If it's ok, I would also like to add to "what would you like to see happen". What scares me the most about this abuse issue in NTM is that if it is not dealt with completely this time around, there will be another website just like this one 20 years from now. My desire is that whatever happens now will protect the current and future mks. May God forbid these atrocities to continue in a mission that is supposedly only around to spread the gospel. Now as an adult and with children of my own I can look back and see that the whole culture and environment created at boarding school were breeding grounds for abuse. No adult should ever be given such extreme power over another child. Where were the guidelines that would have protected everyone? For example, why was a man ever allowed to be in a room by himself with another girl? What a simple guideline to follow... But instead I was forced to be in a room with a man that only intended me harm. And yes another adult did know that it was going on. Heavens forbid if I had been caught alone with my boyfriend. But somehow adults had no accountability and rules did not apply to them. My simple solution to boarding schools, would be to shut them down, but somehow I don't see that happening. So until NTM is willing to completely change the "culture" of boarding schools, how can we expect change. We have to demand change, honesty, accountability, guidelines to protect the children, consequences that are immediate and just, and demand that no missionary is above the LAW!!!
May this be only the beginning of a New Awakening. And yes there are glimpses of hope, but like my mom said let there be no stone left unturned!!
OT, I return now to my Batfriends. They are ready for deployment at your command!