Dear Dad,
It’s the Olympics and I’ve been thinking about things. We were like a little country, you were the coach and the family the team. The advice you gave was good, “never give up” and “always do the right thing, no matter what the personal cost”. Our family team went on to the field and there we played with other teams. Now alas it has become evident that some of those teams were not playing by the rules, just like drug cheats in the Olympics. And I’ve remembered what you taught me, “never give up” and “always do the right thing, no matter what the personal cost”. You should be really proud of me, because I’ve put a lot of time and effort into this, just like the doping committee spends a lot of time catching drug cheats.
Trouble is, you are not proud of me, in fact you actually hate what I’m doing. Now why would that be? You seem to be hell bent on defending paedophiles and the organisation that covered their activities. And you say you don’t care for victims. So how does that fit in with what you taught us, “always do the right thing, no matter what the personal cost”. And how do you explain the fact that you wish me to give up the pursuit of justice, when you taught us to “never give up”?
See none of this makes much sense does it? Somehow the man of principles, has sold his and doesn’t want any questions asked as to why. Don’t worry you are not alone, there are many many in New Tribes who have sold their principles, all covering for one another, cheating, lying and hiding from the inevitable.
Don’t worry Dad, I was listening when I was younger and I’ve heeded your words of wisdom and will “never give up”.
Regards to the rest of the team.