Services? Services?!? This guy served in a way very similar to the way Les Emory "served" in the Philippines!
May I state the obvious? "Follow the money."
NTM did not do anything about this pervert because they did not want parents to find out that their daughters, who were being shielded from holding hands with young men, were at the same time being "examined" by the good doctor. Enrollment would drop like a rock! And, enrollment is very important to NTM, as witness the "Grace Revival of 1997."
Moreover, it was only because they felt they could save the students some money that this charlatan was invited to come and render his services. Better students spend their money paying school bills, thus avoiding the ignominy of "Poor People's Prayer Meeting."
Finally, NTM did not provide or insist that the good doctor provide a healthy (=safe) environment for his contacts with students. In a word, they foolishly trusted him to be discrete with undressed girls, while they did not trust male students to be so with fully clothed ones! Yet their own theology taught that "we are all made out of the same stuff." except doctors, I guess, who are educated, wealthy and connected.
Good luck getting any comment from NTM, Green. Maybe you could write Pat Hendrix....