Oh you may have only a four cylinder engine, but you just got a turbo implanted

1. How smart you were.
Oh I was smart and that upset the establishment that a boy from Downunder was!
2. Did you have a strong will?
Oh yes, I fought my way through High School and I've lived to tell the tale.
3. Was your father a “religious zealot?”
Ha, ha, he was worse than that, refer to posts.
4. Was your father in leadership?
No, but he wanted to be, he settled for telling them how to do their job properly.
5. Was your father a Christianity Christian?
He thinks he is.
6. Did you have a good protectorate (a strong father figure)?
Yes, he did stand up for me sometimes and he was a fighter and scrapper, he took on much bigger opponents and got them.
7. A “religious zealot” could easily have an “adoration of intelligence.” (If you are not a top dog, you are nothing.)
8. Was your father gone from the home a lot? (For instance, doing translation work with the Indians.)
9. What were your dorm parents like?
My parents were the dorm parents (oops alarm bells).
10. How long were you in the dormitory?
About a year.
11. How long were you on the field?
6 years.
12. How intense was your punishment?
Physically little, mentally it was hell.
13. Was school an atmosphere of fear?
Oh yes, the principal was Osama Bin Laden with a bible.
14. Did your family take vacations? When I was on the field, I wanted to take a vacation every year for one year – from the school – because of the “religious zealots.”
We had a few, they were interesting.
15. How many years were there between furloughs?
6 we clocked up the longest term ever known, they wouldn't let us go home.
16. Was the positive-to-negative reinforcement skewed to the negative? Kids need a positive environment.
What is a positive environment, sorry not understand the question.
17. Were you a “teacher’s pet?”
Are you kidding, I was the principals whipping boy.
18. Was there a sexual abuser in the dorm?
I am trying to find out.
19. Were your parents bamboozled by the “religious zealots?”
See answer 3.
Thanks for asking, it was a good putting into perspective exercise.