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MK forum • View topic - The healing continues...

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 Post subject: The healing continues...
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:06 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:18 pm
Posts: 53
Many MK’s went through different dynamics on the mission field. The dynamics of your experience were very complex. These I believe are some of the reasons:

1. How smart you were.
2. Did you have a strong will?
3. Was your father a “religious zealot?”
4. Was your father in leadership?
5. Was your father a Christianity Christian?
6. Did you have a good protectorate (a strong father figure)?
7. A “religious zealot” could easily have an “adoration of intelligence.” (If you are not a top dog, you are nothing.)
8. Was your father gone from the home a lot? (For instance, doing translation work with the Indians.)
9. What were your dorm parents like?
10. How long were you in the dormitory?
11. How long were you on the field?
12. How intense was your punishment?
13. Was school an atmosphere of fear?
14. Did your family take vacations? When I was on the field, I wanted to take a vacation every year for one year – from the school – because of the “religious zealots.”
15. How many years were there between furloughs?
16. Was the positive-to-negative reinforcement skewed to the negative? Kids need a positive environment.
17. Were you a “teacher’s pet?”
18. Was there a sexual abuser in the dorm?
19. Were your parents bamboozled by the “religious zealots?”

No matter how you slice it, dice it, or spice it, the dynamic was still the dynamic. We are not clones. We were precious children. We were in a glass bowl environment with no place to go. This could have been a minimum security prison for some. Déjà vu?

Zealots have two personas, one has a big ego, is narcissistic, is never wrong, and can’t be questioned. The other has Bible knowledge, but is a strictly a religiosity zealot who is very smooth with words, not deeds. These zealots can appear to be “on the ball” by Grand Central Mission Headquarters leaving them to produce a thirty-year reign of terror, blinding mission leaders by smooth talk and not deeds. As my father used to say, “Shame! Shame!” It’s what you DO that matters, NOT what you SAY!

“Hits from stress” are created at work by mean bosses, unfounded accusations, denialists, perfectionists, judgmental types, religiosity Christians. Avoid these people at all cost. Be careful around them. The more you learn about child abuse, the more you can manage your life and hold at bay the people listed above. I am learning how to handle mean people and we know how many there are in these end times, madness that was predicted in the Bible. We MK’s can be a little sensitive.

NOTE: If you have seen a turtle on top of a fence post, you know that he didn’t get there by himself. Could he be Mr. Scatterbrained? Yes! [Thanks Fox & Friends 3-16-13].

The only people who want to see you in this condition are unloving, uncaring, mean, and uncompassionate.

We “soul mates” need to avoid these kinds of people. Most likely we have sensitivity to their style. They live in a state of denial that can’t be removed by man. It’s possible that your own parents can be denialists. The brain is a delicate instrument that can be terrorized.

Speaking for myself - this now 4 cylinder engine – my life has been charted as a descending ladder. If I would have known when I returned from the field, I would have and should have gotten psychological help. Since I didn’t, the ladder continued to descend until my brain locked up into a state of hyper-stress with a solid headache which I have had for 16 years Level 2-6 depending on the stressor or hits from stress that I took.

Remember that we “soul mates” have a long future and we don’t want to waste our time on unnecessary stuff. Think positive! Keep your mind clear and make a good plan. Concentrate on the greatest man who ever walked the face of the earth and follow His teaching, not the people who are wrong. W.W.J.D. all the way. This is not religion, it is a great way of life.

You have been exonerated from what has happened to you.

Let the healing continue……

God bless,

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:16 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Wow, Scatterbrained!

I think you may need to change your name.

That is articulate and accurate! Insightful, helpful and encouraging!


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:54 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
Posts: 5272
Oh you may have only a four cylinder engine, but you just got a turbo implanted :P .

1. How smart you were.
Oh I was smart and that upset the establishment that a boy from Downunder was!
2. Did you have a strong will?
Oh yes, I fought my way through High School and I've lived to tell the tale.
3. Was your father a “religious zealot?”
Ha, ha, he was worse than that, refer to posts.
4. Was your father in leadership?
No, but he wanted to be, he settled for telling them how to do their job properly.
5. Was your father a Christianity Christian?
He thinks he is.
6. Did you have a good protectorate (a strong father figure)?
Yes, he did stand up for me sometimes and he was a fighter and scrapper, he took on much bigger opponents and got them.
7. A “religious zealot” could easily have an “adoration of intelligence.” (If you are not a top dog, you are nothing.)
8. Was your father gone from the home a lot? (For instance, doing translation work with the Indians.)
9. What were your dorm parents like?
My parents were the dorm parents (oops alarm bells).
10. How long were you in the dormitory?
About a year.
11. How long were you on the field?
6 years.
12. How intense was your punishment?
Physically little, mentally it was hell.
13. Was school an atmosphere of fear?
Oh yes, the principal was Osama Bin Laden with a bible.
14. Did your family take vacations? When I was on the field, I wanted to take a vacation every year for one year – from the school – because of the “religious zealots.”
We had a few, they were interesting.
15. How many years were there between furloughs?
6 we clocked up the longest term ever known, they wouldn't let us go home.
16. Was the positive-to-negative reinforcement skewed to the negative? Kids need a positive environment.
What is a positive environment, sorry not understand the question.
17. Were you a “teacher’s pet?”
Are you kidding, I was the principals whipping boy.
18. Was there a sexual abuser in the dorm?
I am trying to find out.
19. Were your parents bamboozled by the “religious zealots?”
See answer 3.

Thanks for asking, it was a good putting into perspective exercise.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:05 pm 
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Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:40 pm
Posts: 765
I'll add one more to this list.

20. At what age did you arrive on the field?

It seemed to me that those who arrived on the field older than about 6 or 7 seemed to have much greater problems adjusting and fitting in (probably due to the extreme culture shock). Those who came as teenagers had the most difficulty.

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