Rearranging known facts can lead to different conclusions, so lets try a little exercise.
Fact. NTM was expelled from Venezuela in 2005/6.
Fact. General Chavez politically leans to the left, i.e. is closer to Cuban politics than U.S.
Fact. Venezuela is a member of OPEC, because it has good reserves of oil, which it exports.
Fact. The CIA acts on behalf of the U.S. govt to protect U.S. global interests.
Fact. George Bush invaded Iraq to deal with the problem of "weapons of mass destruction", but none were found, but there was plenty of oil there and Saddam was disposed of.
Fact. Pat Robertson (who ran for the Presidency in 1988) called for the assination of General Chavez.
Probable fact. General Chavez was a bit upset by this, given what happened to Saddam Hussien.
Fact. General Chavez claims NTM has CIA operatives amongst them and also claims that NTM is doing unauthorised flying in Venezuela.
Probable fact. Jim Bou works for NTM in Venezuela, is the govt rep and possibly the field chairman (to be verified), he is also alledged to have abused children, some of them Venezuelan citizens.
Probable fact. Jim Bou was never prosecuted.
So now lets rearrange the facts and see what we come up with.
Was NTM unwittingly assisting the CIA in Venezuela to further U.S. interests regarding Oil and political stability in the region? Was the key to this possibly missionaries like Jim Bou, who have escaped prosecution, maybe in exchange for turning a blind eye to certain activities or passing on info about a foreign government? Did General Chavez find this out and expel NTM consequently (was any other protestant mission expelled?). Were the unexplained flights that General Chavez expressed concern about, not NTM but someone else using NTM's remote airstrips?
Crazy??? No, I've just taken what is known to be true and arranged it to raise an interesting possibility. I'm not claiming that any of the end questions are true, but I'm not saying they are out of the realms of possibility, especially given the parties involved, their track records and what is at stake. And of course the people who really know, are not going to discuss such matters, can't be found or anything they say won't be trusted because of ones allegiance to certain political leanings.
Interesting ay?