I'm copying this here, in case some of you are only checking the forums section:
October 18th, 2010 at 17:19 - Diane Mikitson
I’ve been asked by others to say more about my call from Larry Brown.
I have not met Larry in person but after about 50 minutes of talking with him, I trust him. It was a surprise call on my cell phone as I was driving to an appointment. When I realized who it was, I pulled over to give my full attention to his call. I am not going to quote him exactly so I don’t want anything I say to be interpreted as his actual words.
He told me that he is involved in this about 80 hours a week and he will not stop until all is exposed and dealt with. Unsolicited, he said he is not about saving NTM. His only purpose may be this situation. (Sort of sounded like an “Esther” comment. I have often felt that Kari was an “Esther” being equipped for such a time as this.) When he said his wife was concerned about him because this totally absorbs all his time and his lack of sleep all he could think about was just one victim’s tortured nights and scarred life.
He said that in 1997 they really did change. But that change did not deal with the sexual abuse issue and it has never been dealt with but is going to be dealt with now. Nothing else takes precedence to him. He will not stop.
Larry had to pause a couple times where he was in tears. He said there were many tears in the board meetings.
He is meeting with GRACE the end of this week but has been in almost daily conversations with BOZ. We discussed GRACE and why they have earned such respect from the victims.
He mentioned a letter John had sent the Executive Committee in 1998 that was never answered and said he asked the Board to read it. He said it still deserves a response – one that was never sent.
He said the mission is complicated now since there are individual entities. Each country operates independently.
I asked him why he thought people like Dan Rabe (NTM Senegal Field leader) were silent. I told him Dan Rabe performed the marriage ceremony for Bonnie and Ryan and Kari spent time with his family during her 2008-2009 year in Senegal. Dan and others from NTM Senegal including Dave McKee and former partners have not made one move to contact any of us. I told him that now that all know the extent of the evil committed against children I would think they would have rushed to communicate. He didn’t have an answer for them.
He told me the Executive Board asked Ron Abram, prior to his leaving the village, to communicate to the Budik tribal people that he was wrong in saying John was in sin. He doesn’t know if Ron did that.
I asked Larry why he wasn’t calling Kari. He would like face-to-face meetings with Kari, joie, Bonnie and us. He mentioned that he wants it to happen at a neutral place.
I am not a gullible person. I believe Larry is focused on the right things. Change is hard. Larry has some significant people he is accountable to and I believe his call to me brings me in to that arena. He called John and talked with him personally the week before. He said he wants John and me to call him any time. He also asked me to give Kari his cell phone number.
Prayer. Just a word. But done to the God who hears and cares and done with a believing heart brings change. I know. He is still changing me. #
Diane Mikitson October 16th, 2010 at 00:23 |
Larry Brown called me earlier today and I am encouraged by our conversation. God is working in the leaders. I will continue praying for them as they make real changes.