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 Post subject: Communication from NTMB
PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:38 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223
I have translated today's letter to missionaries, sent by NTMB. The original is posted below, and it's translation is forth-coming. (I am having someone check it for me before posting.)

Just wanted you to know someone is working on it, so that you who are "Portuguese challenged" can read and discuss.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:40 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223
Date: October 29,2010

Queridos irmãos membros da MNTB,
Dear members of MNTB,

Enviamos a vocês o relatório que está abaixo com dois propósitos: informar e rogar as
orações de cada um dos queridos irmãos para este momento difícil que estamos vivendo. Este
relatório é direcionado, neste momento, exclusivamente para os membros da missão. Logo
enviaremos uma carta aberta à sociedade, mas estamos esperando uma investigação, que será
elaborada por terceiros, onde todas as reclamações (fundadas ou não) e os fatos envolvendo
membros da MNTB serão devidamente apurados.
We are sending you the report below with two objectives: inform and beg each of your prayers for this difficult moment that we are living in. This report is directed, at this time, exclusively to the members of the mission. Soon we will send an open letter to society, but we are awaiting an investigation, by a third party, where all claims (founded or not) and the facts involving members of MNTB will be individually examined.
O Conselho Geral reuniu-se extraordinariamente para tratar especificamente de assuntos que
são difíceis de se lidar e de ser conclusivo, mas, queremos assegurar-lhes, serão exaustivamente
tratados. Tendo por referência informações que nos têm chegado ao conhecimento, com muitos
comentários na web, manifestamos nosso profundo pesar e nos solidarizamos com aqueles que
porventura passaram ou estão passando por sofrimentos todos esses anos.
The Field Committee met specifically to deal with these subjects that are difficult to deal with conclusively, but, we want to assure you, they will be dealt with exhaustively. Having information for reference which was brought to our attention, with many comments on the web, we show our profound burden and we feel for those who have suffered so much all these years.
A liderança da MNTB sente grande angústia em relatar acontecimentos ocorridos na escola para
filhos de missionários estrangeiros, na cidade de Vianópolis, Estado de Goiás, na década de oitenta e
culminando no ano de 1993, onde um dos "pais de dormitório", Frank Parker, casado e com filhos no
mesmo dormitório, foi acusado de incorrer em práticas de atos de ordem sexual que “supostamente”
cometeu com algumas meninas pelas quais ele era responsável para cuidar. Até onde foi levado ao
conhecimento da liderança, à época, nunca houve conjunção carnal e nem atos libidinosos. Alegou-se quehouve “voyeurismo” e toque inapropriado na coxa e no abdômen de uma das menores.
The leadership of MNTB feels great anguish in relating the happenings that occurred in the school for foreign missionary kids, in the city of Vianopolis, state of Goias, in the decade of 1980 and ending in 1993, where one of the “dorm dads,” Frank Parker, married and having children in the same dormitory, was accused of practicing acts of a sexual nature that were “allegedly” committed with some girls that he was responsible to care for. As far as was reported to the leadership of the time, there was never an act of actual intercourse nor sensual acts. Allegedly, the acts committed where voyeurism and inappropriate touching of the thigh and abdomen of one of the young girls.
Este tipo de ação, em relação às crianças e adolescentes, pode ser interpretado atualmente como
sendo abuso sexual, podendo marcar a formação psicológica de uma criança. Assim, conforme a
alegação, o que agravou a situação e marcou estas crianças, foi o fato do acusado ser líder e exercer o
cuidado e guarda sobre as mesmas e a maneira “supostamente” dominadora em que exercia isto.
These acts, in relation to children and adolescents, can be interpreted as actually being sexual abuse, having the power to affect the psychological wellbeing of a child. So, according to the allegation, what aggravated the situation and damaged the children was the fact that the accused was a leader and exerted care and guardianship over these same children and the dominating way he “allegedly” did so.
Embora estes acontecimentos, conforme alegações, tenham ocorridos bem antes de fevereiro de 1993, somente naquela ocasião foram levados ao conhecimento da direção da escola e da liderança damissão. Naquele momento, somente uma parte dos fatos foram informados. Atualmente, outros fatos temchegado ao nosso conhecimento. A liderança da missão de pronto instaurou uma investigação e oacusado foi imediatamente afastado das suas responsabilidades junto às crianças, mesmo antes daconclusão do procedimento interno. Todo o procedimento investigatório e disciplinar foi feito com oconhecimento dos genitores das crianças, que na ocasião eram missionários. Os pais, ao confiarem apermanência da criança na escola, aparentemente aceitaram como adequadas as medidas adotadas pela liderança.
Beyond these occurrences, according to allegations, they happened long before February of 1993, but only at that time were they brought to the attention of the school board and the field committee. At that time, only one part of the facts were reported. Actually, other facts have just now been brought to our attention. The leadership of the mission, at the time, promptly investigated and the accused was immediately removed from his responsibilities to the children, even before the conclusion of the internal investigation. The entire investigative process and discipline was made with knowledge of the parents of the children, who happened to be missionaries. The parents, who chose to keep their children in the school, apparently approved of the measures taken by the leadership at the time.
No ano seguinte, em 1994, já estando a vítima e o acusado nos EUA (onde foi para tratar asaúde), as informações acima citadas foram acrescidas de outras. Estas foram apresentadas pelas supostasvítimas e as alegações caracterizavam as práticas e atos do acusado como sendo abuso sexual. Foramtomadas medidas disciplinares, contudo o acusado nunca retornou ao Brasil, terminando por falecer emmarço de 1996. Houve, portanto a extinção da punibilidade sob a ótica criminal.
The next year, in 1994, while the victim and the accused were both already in the U.S. (where the accused was receiving treatment for health conditions), more information came to light. These were presented by the alleged victims as having been sexual abuse. Disciplinary action was taken, but the accused never returned to Brasil, because he died in March of 1996. Therefore, the ability to punish him criminally expired.
A MNTB, antes dos relatos postos ao seu conhecimento, jamais poderia praver que um de seus
membros, esposo e pai de família, pudesse praticar qualquer ato que viesse ferir as crianças sob sua responsabilidade e cuidado. Hoje, a MNTB reconhece que não previu que tais fatos pudessem ocorrer enão manteve um acompanhamento mais rigoroso, adequado e supervisionado aos "pais de dormitório" para detectar possíveis situações como as relatadas, e assim proteger estas crianças de quaisquer práticas danosas e outros abusos emocionais e físicos, como os citados.
MNTB, before these reports, was unable to see how one of its members, being himself a husband and father, would be able to practice any act that would harm a child under his responsibility and care. Today, MNTB recognizes that we could not foresee such acts occurring and did not maintain a rigorous enough accountability adequate to supervise the “dorm parents” in order to detect possible situations like the ones related to us, and in this way protect the children from any harmful treatment and specifically emotional and sexual abuse, like those cited above.
A instituição tutelar (no caso a Missão MNTB) também entende que deveria, juntamente como os pais da criança vitimada, ter procedido a uma consulta ou denuncia às autoridades locais, afim de que,julgando necessário, instaurassem o devido processo legal. A liderança, à época, acompanhada pelospais, acreditou que a solução administrativa dada ao caso fora suficiente. De modo que a consulta oudenuncia não aconteceram em tempo hábil, quando a vítima ou o acusado estavam ainda no Brasil.
The educational institution (in this case, MNTB) also realizes that it should, together with the parents of the victim, have consulted or reported the local authorities, so that, judgment being necessary, they would introduce the legal process. The leadership, at the time, along with the parents, believed that the administrative solution given was sufficient. Especially since the consult or denunciation did not happen in a timely manner, while the victim and the accused were still in Brasil.
A MNTB manifesta profunda tristeza e vergonha por ficar sabendo que um sistema criado
para assistir os filhos de missionários, providenciando-lhes moradia, educação integral,
acompanhamento escolar, e principalmente o suporte afetivo em razão do distanciamento de seus pais pelo ministério, tornou-se, para alguns, fonte de frustração e decepção.
Se não aprendermos com o passado, estaremos destinados a repetir novamente os mesmos
fatos. Entendemos que, a forma atual de internato para filhos de missionários estrangeiros em
Vianópolis, deverá ser repensada e desenvolvida uma nova estratégia para atender as necessidades educacionais e afetiva dos filhos dos nossos obreiros.
MNTB expresses profound sadness and shame at learning that a system that was created to assist the children of missionaries, providing them with shelter, education, and mostly, affective support in relation to the distance of their parents for ministry, turned into, for some, a fountain of frustration and deception. If we don’t learn from the past, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes again. We know that the actual system of boarding schools for children of missionaries in Vianopolis should be reconsidered and a new strategy for attending to the educational and emotional needs of the children of our servants (implied: missionaries).
Estamos enfrentando toda essa experiência dolorosa, não nos fazendo de vítimas das
acusações e expressões na web. Tampouco pretendemos nos comportar como aqueles que se
escondem, esperando que o tempo cuide para que tudo caia no esquecimento, o que na verdade nãoacontecerá. Todavia, como cidadãos brasileiros, somos sujeitos às leis do nosso país que determinamo que devemos e o que não podemos fazer, e a elas temos que nos submeter. A questão legal, emborafaça parte do todo, não é a nossa maior preocupação. Como cidadãos celestiais, o nosso zelo está narepercussão e implicação moral de tais fatos. Nossos filhos, indiscriminadamente, são preciososdemais e por eles oramos, choramos e clamamos por plena restauração de suas vidas, certos de que oSenhor, o Todo Poderoso, age em tudo e em todos.
We are facing this painful experience, not making ourselves victims of the accusations and expressions on the web. Neither do we intend to conduct ourselves in such a way as to hide, waiting for time to take care of the problem, allowing for everything to be forgotten, which in reality can never happen. In reality, as Brazilian citizens, we are subject to the laws of our country which determine what we should and shouldn’t do, and to them we will submit. The legal question, although part of the big picture, is not our biggest concern. As Celestial citizens, our concern is for the repercussions and implications of the moral facts. Our children, every one of them, are precious, and we pray for them, cry for them, and beg for restoration of their lives, certain that the Lord, the Almighty, works in all and through all.
Quanto aos acontecimentos envolvendo Stephen Armour, de igual forma, somado as medidas
disciplinares cabíveis e aplicadas (tendo sido determinado a sua exclusão permanente do rol de
membros), manifestamos a nossa profunda tristeza pelo que as vítimas sofreram e a nossa vergonhapelo fato de um dos nossos membros ter causado tanto sofrimento e sendo um tropeço para estas crianças vulneráveis. Sabemos que nada há que lhes possa reparar os sofrimentos que elas passaram, mas queremos que saibam que temos profunda tristeza e vergonha e que sentimos muitíssimo queelas tenham vivido estas tristes experiências.
As for the incidences involving Stephen Armour, in the same way, we took disciplinary measures and applied them (having determined his permanent exclusion for our member roster), we manifest our deep sadness for what the victims suffered and our shame that one of our members had caused such suffering and been such a stumbling block to these vulnerable kids. We know that nothing can repair the suffering that they went through, but we want you to know that we feel deep sadness and embarrassment and that we feel terribly that they lived with these sad experiences.
A liderança da MNTB dirige sua palavra a todos aqueles que porventura sofrem e clamam
por justiça:
The leadership of MNTB directs the following to all those that suffer and fight for justice:
01. Humildemente pedimos perdão por falhas cometidas pelas lideranças da Missão no
exercício do seu ministério, não prevendo e não mantendo um acompanhamento mais
rigoroso, adequado e supervisionado aos "pais de dormitório", assim deixando desprotegidas
as crianças de quaisquer práticas e outros abusos emocionais e físicos. Da parte do
Conselho Geral, do Conselho do Setor Leste, da parte da Escola dos filhos de
missionários estrangeiros em Vianópolis, do passado e do presente, humildemente, lhes
pedimos perdão sem reservas.
Humbly ask forgiveness for mistakes made by the leadership of the Mission in its ministry, not anticipating or using appropriate safeguards in supervising “dorm parents,” leaving children unprotected against sexual abuse, and other emotional and physical abuse. On behalf of the Field Committee, the committee of East Brazil, on behalf of the School for foreign missionary kids in Vianopolis, past and the present, we humbly ask your forgiveness without reservation.
02. Nos pronunciaremos em Atas dos Conselhos com ações disciplinares retroativas.
We will be announcing, as a Committee, retroactive disciplinary action in the Committee minutes.
03. Estamos nos aconselhando com a Promotoria Pública e outras fontes do sistema judicial
para saber os passos a serem tomados em relação aos “supostos” delitos.
We are in communication with the Public Justice System and other institutions to learn what steps we should take in relation to the “alleged” crimes.
Há outro caso que tem sido mencionado, envolvendo o ex-missionário Reginaldo Goulart.
Houve uma comunicação aos irmãos sobre isto por parte do Conselho do Setor Leste, em setembro do ano passado. O fato em comento ocorreu em outro país, sob a autoridade de outros, e tudo que estava ao alcance e poderia ser feito da liderança da MNTB, até o momento, foi realizado. Queremosexpressar novamente a nossa tristeza pelo que as vítimas tem sofrido e a nossa vergonha pelo fato de um dos nossos ter causado esse sofrimento.
Irmãos, sentimos muitíssimo ter que lhes prestar estas informações tão pesadas e
vergonhosas, mas estamos aprendendo que, uma vez que se tem ciência da existência de alegações como estes, os membros devem ser comunicados com a maior clareza e o mais breve quanto possível. Assim fazendo, estaremos cumprindo a lei, nos prevenindo e alertando de possíveis falhas,e ocorrendo quaisquer eventuais pecados, serão devidamente tratados com medidas punitivas. Com isto se dará menos oportunidade de tais fatos serem distorcidos e mal utilizados e, principalmente,ajudará as vítimas a terem maior segurança e menos sofrimento. Estamos formulando novas estruturas para investigar denúncias desta natureza e incluiremos no nosso treinamento maiores instruções e informações sobre a questão.
There is another case that has been mentioned, involving a former missionary Reginaldo Goulart. There was a communication about this to you from the Field Committee in September of last year. The facts mentioned occurred in another country, under the authority of others, and everything that was within our reach and could be done by the leadership of MNTB, until now, has been done. We want to express, again, our sadness for what the victims has suffered and our embarrassment that one of our own caused such suffering. Brothers, we feel terrible having to communicate such heavy and embarrassing news, but we are learning that, once allegations exist, the member must be communicated what is as clearly as possible and as soon as possible. Having done this, we will be following the law, preventing and alerting possible failures and, should any other sin happen, handle it with punitive measures. In this way, we will have fewer opportunities for these facts to be distorted and poorly presented, and mainly, help the victims have more security and less suffering. We are formulating new structures to investigate cases of this nature and will include, in our training, more teaching and information on this subject.
Por fim, encerramos o nosso relatório, pedindo o seu acompanhamento em oração, pois está
sendo muito difícil tratarmos este assunto pesado. Procuramos fazer isto de uma maneira ampla
dentro do contexto moral dos princípios da Palavra e no contexto legal. Estamos estudando meios de comunicar com os ex alunos da escola de Vianópolis, expressando o nosso lamento pelo que vivenciaram durante o seu tempo na referida escola. Orem por eles, os que sofreram e os que ainda estão sofrendo. Orem por esta Missão que Deus tem levantado para alcançar os povos não alcançados. Estaremos atentos para as perguntas que virão, e sabemos que serão muitas. Os porta-vozes sobre estas questões para a imprensa e terceiros são Edward Gomes da Luz e Jadir Siqueira. Estão disponíveis na sede da Missão ou através do telefone
da Missão durante o horário comercial.
Finally, we end our report, asking your support in prayer, for it is very difficult dealing with such a heavy subject. We seek to do this in a satisfactory manner, within the moral framework of God’s Word and a legal context. We are researching methods to communicate with the former students of Vianopolis, expressing our sadness for what they experienced during their time at the school. We will be attentive to the questions that are sure to come, and know they will be many. The spokespersons, to the media and a third party, for this matter will be Eduardo Gomes da Luz and Jadir Siqueira. They are available at Headquarters of the Mission (in Anapolis) or by telephone during work hours.

No Amor do Mestre,
In the love of the Master,

Conselho Geral da Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil
General Counsel (Field Committee) of New Tribes Mission of Brasil.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:15 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223
Disclaimer: I did the best I could with the translation and had someone check it, but my Portuguese is far from refined, so...my translation may reflect that. Anyone with a better command of that language feel free to reflect that in your comments.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:48 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:45 pm
Posts: 170
Thank you leadership of MNTB for acknowledging Steve Armours abuse and the hurt it caused his victims. I appreciate that.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:40 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:43 pm
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I noticed the letter stated "supostamente" quite a few times. I'm not sure why MNTB still feels the need to couch the abuse in legalistic terms of "allegedly" or "supposedly". That makes is sound as if their was doubt as to COURAGEOUS's story or the stories of the others who were abused. I also noticed one again that while Parker was removed as a dorm parent, HE STILL HAD ACCESS TO CHILDREN as he was transferred to maintenance and STILL ON THE LAND!!!! This is NOT acceptable practice for child abusers, anywhere!!!!

I also noted how MNTB seemed to imply the situation couldn't have been that bad as the parents approved of the then disciplinary actions taken and still kept their kids in the school. That statements seems to imply the abuse wasn't as severe as the allegations made them out to be. Given the environment and the heavy-handed way the Mission operated back then (now?), what other response was available???? Anyone who spoke out was crushed, smeared, or ostracized. The mission also states they could not understand how one who was a father, husband, etc., could do the things that were done. Um, just a guess, but SIN? I mean, just because one is washed with the "holy water" of being an NTM or MNTB missionary does not erase one's proclivity to sin. MNTB also states they are not making themselves "victims" of the "accusations or expressions on the web". How do they think that makes the victims of abuse feel? Again, it seems as if the table is turned and the victims are to be blamed for accusing MNTB or NTM of heinous acts. The abusee is at fault, not the abuser or the environment????

I also noted that with regards to Goulart, it was my understanding that he was transferred from one NTM field to another, but the reason for the transfer was never made known (earlier allegations of inappropriate conduct), and no one on the Brasil field was made known of those particulars. Of course, if they were, then that makes the transfer to Vianopolis or Anapolis even more dastardly. In any event, while I can, from a legal perspective, see that MNTB might not be responsible for Goulart's presence on the Brasil field, whoever ordered Goulart's transfer does. And, of course, Goulart himself bears responsibility for not being forthcoming as to the reasons why he left one field and entered another even if under the guise of "medical necessity", which seems to be the favorite fallback sophism used by many.

Finally, with regards to Stephen Armour, they state they took "disciplinary measures". Did one of these measures include going to the police and reporting the abuse? Merely determining to permanently exclude him from member roster, does nothing to exclude him from the general population where he can continue abusing others. Again, there just seems to be a lack of clear understanding on the aspect of REPORTING TO THE AUTHORITIES to which MNTB claims they submit.

So, they humbly ask the forgiveness of those abused, while at the same time terming such abuse "alleged".

Alright, I'm done with this post, but I find it hard to forgive those who believe the sin committed was "allegedly" done and still cannot seem to utter the words, "sexual sins", "sexual abuse", or "pedophilia". And no, my quoting those words do not mean I believe such terms to be alleged!

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:50 pm 
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Read the "In Praise of Gullibility" thread started by Gene Long. Excellent analysis of the reasons why some of these things continue even when people do know about them. And why people find it hard to believe that these thing could have even happened.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:16 pm 

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:50 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:40 pm
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Calúnia (slander / libel)
Art. 138 - Caluniar alguém, imputando-lhe falsamente fato definido como crime:
(To slander / libel someone, falsely attributing to them a fact that is defined as a crime)
Pena - detenção, de seis meses a dois anos, e multa.
( Sentence – six months to two years of incarceration and a fine.)
§ 1º - Na mesma pena incorre quem, sabendo falsa a imputação, a propala ou divulga.
(The same sentence applies to whoever knows the attribution to be false and propagates or divulges it.)
§ 2º - É punível a calúnia contra os mortos.
(Slander / libel against the dead is punishable.)

Another fact of Brazilian law: A criminal having committed a crime, for instance like theft, cannot be called a thief unless his deed has been tried in court and judged to be a crime. To do so would fall under the above law about slander.

It would seem that this law would explain why, in Brazil, in a letter addressed to the MNTB members, such words as “allegations” and “supposedly” would be used instead of direct statements.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:49 am 

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