Lets go back to the swapping shoes routine and examine the question "was this a ring of paedophiles".
First of all lets try on NTM and their supporters shoes: There is no paedophile ring, there never was and there never will be. Yes there were one or two bad people, but they were dealt with (sort of) and we've fixed our policy.
Second lets try on say Joe/Jane average Fanda Eagle participants shoes: There was an awful lot of abuse going on, it was committed in many countries across many decades and it was covered up. Hardly anyone has paid for their crime, what we want is justice, whether it was a ring or not is irrelevant, but probably interesting.
Thirdly lets see this from a law enforcers viewpoint: There is a lot of irrelevant religous mumbo jumbo being thrown about, given previous experience with other organisations this could be a smokescreen. Now look at how many people are involved, who those people are and the lack of accountability. Also take into consideration how those people are connected and bingo it starts to look very suspicious.
Now pairs of shoes numbered one and two are irrelevant in the long run. We can argue till the cows come home between ourselves. But the smart money will be on number threes pair of shoes, that's who will get to the bottom of this, then their will be accountability.
So where does IHART fit into this. Well paid for by group one, to investigate claims of group two, hopefully in a manner that is group threes. I hope they look into this too and look very thoroughly.