Mitt, That is the Institute of Self-Preservation, their textbook was "God's Work in Bill Dillon's Way", and we shouldn't blame Trev for the way leadership misconstrued what he wrote, or as one Rochester staff member used to say, "misconscrued".
Reading some back posts on leadership, a relevant question to ask is: "Who's following?" If no one is following, then it isn't leadership. NTM leadership was/is (?) more like the Bolivian shepherds who walk behind the sheep driving them to the place they want them to go. Christ's shepherd syle was to walk before them: "My sheep know my voice, and they follow me." Again, who's following? And, why?
If you believed in the system and thought like leadership thought, were willing to chuck your own visions and dreams in the garbage pit or pickle pond, then you might have a chance at leadership. Otherwise, Do your ministry and "shut up!"