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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:17 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:31 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223

Would you please post these "guidelines" under Miscellaneous- following up on the Dear Parent of MKs thread I posted a sample letter in earlier?

Kari thought others might want to write similar letters to missionaries they are still in touch with, and perhaps to supporting churches...your guidelines may help.


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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:37 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:46 am 
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Earlier on this thread, I referred to "two party justice." This is the justice that prevailed in ancient Israel, when there was no king, and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. There was no institution powerful enough, and trusted enough, to intervene to prevent an individual from exerting his/ her personal right to revenge/ compensation/ justice. In situations like this, each person is responsible for himself/ herself. Natural alliances form along the lines of kinship. Reading Judges will give many illustrations of this. Although all twelve tribes of Israel were descended from a common ancestor, their first loyalty was to their family, then to their tribe. Revenge for crimes/ murders was carried out by the families of the victims, not by a national police force. It was later, after the establishment of the monarchy, that a "third party" (a national government) began to emerge. It did this slowly, with a great deal of violence. When the nation divided after the reign of King Solomon, it did so along tribal lines.

The history of the United States serves to illustrate this same principle of two party justice giving way to a system of third party justice. The rough and ready justice of the old west, where gunslingers challenged one another to a draw, the loser going to Boot Hill and the winner gaining honor, regardless of who started it or who was at fault would be unthinkable today. But, in the early days of the Republic, two party justice was glorified and formalized, as when "gentlemen" engaged in duels. (History quiz: Name the Vice President of the United States who engaged in such a duel while in office. Extra credit: What punishment was exacted on the winner of the duel?) Societies where two party justice is the norm are often called "stateless." There is no "state," no impartial third party that can effectively impose its will on disputants.

Many people today still take certain precautionary measures to ensure their own safety, the safety of their family, and the safety of their neighbors. Firearms, alarms and large, carnivorous pets all contribute to this end. After all, in the face of an immediate threat, the third party may not arrive in time to thwart an attack, and people are justified in defending themselves. Even the use of lethal force in self defense is generally considered justifiable. Revenge killings, however, are illegal and punished. Fatally shoot an intruder as he enters your house, and you may become a hero. Do the same thing two days later in the mall, and you will be arrested for murder. That is the essence of third party justice.

The essence of two party justice is personal revenge. At one time, the Vice President of the United States could engage in a fatal duel. Today, that couldn't happen, a fact which owes nothing to Joe Biden's occupancy of that office. And, were it to occur, it would be punished by law. Lynching is no longer tolerated. A band of former MKs would probably be stopped by the police before they could summarily hang a sex offender; they would certainly be arrested if they managed to be successful in the endeavor.

It may be tantalizing to entertain thoughts of exacting personal, physical vengeance on those who have committed these crimes. Such thoughts, however, are unproductive, distracting and dangerous. Now is not the time for vigilante justice. Victims don't need to go to jail, perpetrators do. Still, this is the time for justice, and it should be vigorously pursued. Many legitimate avenues are open to you. Although these crimes (by which term I include the cover ups) were committed years ago, they have only recently been brought to the light of day. I believe you are already winning in the court of public opinion, my support notwithstanding. Remember, victims are just now finding out about one another, finding their voices, after all these years. This is just the very beginning, and you are already ahead.

It has been stated by others elsewhere that sexual predators rarely reform; they are classic examples of incorrigibles. This is a horrible thought for those whom they have victimized since they returned from the foreign field, but it is good news for justice. They have most likely repeated their crimes in America, making them subject to criminal prosecution. What needs to be done now is pick a pervert, hire a private investigator and see where this leads. One word of caution: Do all the planning via PM and anonymous email, not in an open forum, here or elsewhere.

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 Post subject: Re: Legal Options
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:08 am 
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Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:25 am
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Wow... I think you are all missing the point on this one. Let me run down the facts.
1) Perp molests an unknown number of minors for several years.
2) Perp is discovered by NTM and sent home
3) Perp is living out the rest of his life most likely molesting other children.
4) No-one is aware of what he did.

What about shining the flashlight into the dark so that others are aware of his evil nature? If he was my neighbor and I had children, I would want to know!
Also, when NTM sent him home from the Philippines, they informed everyone that his home State of Virginia had been informed of his crimes, yet as per Lieutenant M. Kane
Executive Officer, Criminal Investigations Section Chesapeake Police Dept. "I have been unable to identify any information..." So... NTM did NOT inform the State of Virginia??? If he were to have committed even one more act of molestation between 1993 and today, does that not make NTM liable???

He lives within 200 yards of a School run by a Church. I emailed them with links to the GRACE report and the forum on Aritao and Identified who he is and where he lives. Someone should also do this to all of his neighbors as well.

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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:18 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
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I'm afraid that unless there was an actual trial, and this person was found guilty and sentenced, there will be no criminal record and therefore no way to post his name in any kind of way as a perpetrator of sexual abuse. Unfortunately, a lot of people will probably look at "shining the light" as slander.

I'm with you, Mahalko. It is unfair and unjust. And yes, somehow, the Mission is liable for this, because if they didn't prosecute this person themselves, they, in effect, let him free to continue his dirty deeds.

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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:55 pm
Posts: 16
The laws of that particular country were mostly non-existent so "only" the laws of God were violated. This was in the '70's and less was known about sexual predators, or at least our leaders knew less. They did well under the circumstances, though probably would do more now. Sadly, we all know more now. Or maybe it is good we all know more now. We understand the terrible consequences of this sin now and (presumably) are less willing to tolerate it. And yes, sexual predators are very, very smooth and plausible, so be active in opposing this sin that ruins other people's lives.

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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:06 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:42 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Crime and Punishment
PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:55 pm 
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