Not to put too fine a point on it, but when it was first posted that Larry Brown traveled to GA, and talked to law enforcement, I did not doubt that such action actually took place. I may not be as jaded as some (not judging, for others have ample reason to doubt), but from a legal standpoint, would NTM disseminate such actions if, in fact, such steps had NOT occurred. The distinction from past actions taken by NTM is clearly seen for past "reportings" or "dealings" with abuse were kept "in-house" and not easily refuted (just ask COURAGEOUS and others who had to deal with past NTM "in-house" dealings). This latest step could easily be corroborated (one other person has just done so); but my point is that had NTM just put out they took such action and THEY HAD NOT DONE SO, how stupid would that have been????!!!!!!! Remember, if anything, Larry, et. al., are attempting to win back trust. To act fraudulently in this instance would have been to reap the whirlwind.
So, while I appreciate healthy skepticism, let's not be like the defense attorney cross-examining the medical examiner and pressing him as to whether he was SURE the alleged victim had died. In response to the persistent questioning the ME said he was sure the victim was dead as he was holding the victim's brains in his hands at examination. To which the persistent, if utterly bone-headed, counsel retorted, "But were you sure he was not alive." The ME replied, "No, I suppose he could be alive and practicing law somewhere!" (THIS IS A TRUE EXAMPLE, BY THE WAY!).
Healthy skepticism is okay . . .but let's not go overboard.