Antarctica hasn't seen abuse cases solely for the reason that it is unpopulated by humans. I won't touch upon the other perversions talked about in Leviticus. However, I will point out that all such perversions were deserving of death under the Mosaic Code. . . . .
If you want help OT, I'll gladly join as researcher (won't have to do much as it is all documented anyway . . .the paper trail is LONG and detailed!) or strategist. I'll even help conduct the "murder boards" for argumentation purposes.
Momof4 is correct; under the Rules of Professional Conduct, a lawyer's first allegiance is to protect the client's interest. Here, Mr. Ross operated first, and foremost, as the attorney for NTM, NOT for the sundry missionaries (or MKs) that were wronged. His job was to look out for the interests of the corporation. Which means, as COURAGEOUS now knows (perhaps she suspected it then), his allegiance was NOT to you. (NOW do we begin to see the blurred lines talked about by Gene Long when NTM desired to operate as a pseudo-church in fact, while taking cover under the umbrella of legalese!?!) However, I would point out that most Rules of Professional Responsibility state that when the client demands/desires the attorney to do that which would be wrong, unethical, or in any way not in keeping with the standards of the profession (yes, attorneys DO have standards!!), then they may either seek permissive withdrawal from representation, or if necessary, mandatorily withdraw (meaning they MUST do so) from representing such a client. If, for example, the client desired to commit perjury and got on the stand to do so, the lawyer who mandatorily withdrew then has the ethical duty to inform the court of the former client's actions.
To my mind, it would appear Mr. Ross violated the spirit, if not the letter, of conduct under the Rules of Professional Responsibility. Even if he is hiding out in Idaho or Timbuktu, he should be reported, in my view, to Florida state bar officials, or to whatever jurisdiction awarded his bar license.
As with OT, I'm still counting! (Jefferson, for all his deistic tendencies, did manage to get quite a few things right . . .the quote, for example, is one.)