Hi Publius,
I understand exactly what you mean, and after I posted I realized it might bring about subsequent posts about me not being forgiving.
So I will further elaborate
- my husband went to the meeting with the understanding that he was 'accepting' the apology as the spiritual head of our household. Yes, I believe the apology was more mere words than heartfelt action, which was my beef. I certainly am not the Ultimate Judge and I know this. However, I judge the situation for what I see it is: A desire for the abuser to get back into good graces without really repenting his sin and doing what is really needful in this case. But I don't want to detract from the issues *here* on this forum with my story. I just wanted to merely relate that in many cases, the "I'm sorrys" are just a form of saying what needs to be said in hopes that the abuser won't be prosecuted, can say he repented and move on, without little thought to the true nature of the crime.
I guess by posting a snippet of our story, I wanted to encourage all of you here in acknowledging that abuse is horrific... whether it was sexual or physical, whether it happened 'only once' or multiple times, and that if you did suffer abuse, you KNOW you suffered abuse and you don't need anyone questioning whether what you suffered was really abuse or just someone having a bad day at your expense. Does that make sense?
I was taking issue more with the poster who stated that we all sin, we're all at one time or another 'abusive' to someone and that all parents could be deemed abusive nowadays. I think that detracts from the horrendous nature of the crimes committed against so many here and downplays and belittles it. I don't want to see that happen. People who are abused have enough trouble even stating that it was really ABUSE (using words like 'spankings' or 'yelling' or 'he just touched me once') without others making an almost rating scale of it.
I hope you know, Publius, that except for trying to explain more on my own situation, I not directing this comments at you. And again, I ramble...