This is now posted on the NTM website: of East Brazil 1983-1998
As a part of our commitment to child safety, NTM USA continues to commission independent reviews of historical allegations of abuse. Most recently, a review of the eastern region of Brazil was finalized and given to the NTM USA Executive Board. The review confirmed that there were incidents of abuse, in the time period between 1983 and 1998. In response to the review, NTM USA has amended the employment records of five former members to now indicate dismissal and/or permanent removal from membership from NTM USA as a result of their actions against children. The board has also carried out additional recommendations from an independent panel including notifying the Sending Churches of the outcomes of the review and sending letters of apology to those indicated by the review team. Information from the review has been shared with those directly involved and with law enforcement.
In the future, as reviews of other regions are concluded, we will follow through on recommended outcomes in the same manner. Our prayer is that God will use these reports to make us more aware and vigilant in our efforts to provide a safe and healthy environment for children.