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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223
ViaHope- I'm glad your experience at Via was positive over all. Really, truly. I'm thankful it was that for someone. Unfortunately, we cannot all claim that to be true for ourselves.

You know, I felt that way most of my time there, that "over all" I was having a good time. Sure, things were difficult, but I had a roof over my head, my immediate physical needs were taken care of, and I was doing my part in getting the Gospel to people who never heard (by "freeing up my parents to do ministry"). I believed it, even took a bit of pride in it. Oh, it still hurt, but I kept my chin up (like Orphan Annie).

However, by the time I got to be in 10th grade, I started seeing things that were unspeakably wrong- friends confiding secrets to me that put a weight on me I was not capable to bear, pressures put on my parents to "submit" to the leadership.

But, mostly, my thoughts toward my experience at Via started to change when I began to see it from the perspective of my best friends and family members who were abused while I was there with them and I knew nothing of it. Here, my best friend was being molested, and I didn't know, and thinking back, would I have had the power to help them? Would my voice have been heard?

So, be thankful your experience was positive, but don't be naive enough to ignore the pain in your friend's lives.

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:22 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:48 am
Posts: 10
I wrote this the day I read the Grace Report: "Hi, I'm an MK from NTM. The same kind of atmosphere that was fostered at Fanda by the leadership happened at my school. Everything was done in a very legalistic manner (up until 2004-2005 when I felt a huge weight lift from the environment of the school, when I finally felt accepted, nurtured and loved by my dorm parents). <Side note: these dorm parents were actually kicked off the field of Senegal for speaking up about the abuses at Fanda.> I find myself revisiting the memories (good and bad) of my 8 years of boarding school (from the age of 7 to the age of 19). I was called to be a missionary to a different people group and I was ostracized within my school environment. I was made fun of, pointed out, etc... by my dorm dad for not wanting to eat a certain kind of meat. When I tried to date someone from the school, my every move was scrutinized and supervised. My time with him was limited to an hour a day in a public place (specifically 3:30 PM -4:30 PM). He was not allowed to even help me with my chores. Our phone conversation was limited to 10 minutes. When we figured out a way around this "rule" (walky-talkies :) ) and when my dorm-mom found out, she immediately wrote a letter to my parents telling them that I was disobeying and being "rebellious." This was before even speaking to me about it. <Side note: Some of you older MKs from Via might remember the 15 minutes of work detail you would have to do to clean the classrooms and cafeteria, etc... except when I was there, there was fewer students and the same size of school so we each had 1 or 2 and sometimes 3 classrooms to clean (dust, mop, and wax if it was Saturday).>
When I was in the little-dorm, my phone conversations were monitored by my dorm parents. I had many hard things to speak to my parents about because I had many difficulties. Unlike others, I didn't let this stop me, lol. Some of the things: I was put into a very rigid environment both in the classroom and outside. I was not allowed to go outside to play until I finished hours of homework. I was supposed to write a journal in class about my life outside of the class. In an effort to tell my teacher how much I hated the incredible!!! amount of homework that she gave me, I wrote the same exact thing in my journal each day. I went home did homework, did piano. Ate dinner, did homework. Had devotions, did homework. Next day, repeat. Outside of the classroom, my dorm parents would make us sweep, mop and buff (with an electric buffer) our rooms every morning. I was actually shorter than the buffer and one day I plugged the buffer into the wall and it hit be in the throat causing it to swell. My dorm dad was visibly upset that this happened and later told us we did not have to buff our rooms with the buffer.< Side note: We were only required to do so by hand on Saturdays.> I remember my dorm dad twisting the ears of his dogs (as a way to punish them) that they would pee on the floor and he would be laughing as he did it. I realize now that we were subject to watching animal abuse. I remember thinking, is this what he will do to me? I remember we had a sleepover on the patio and one of the girls got sick and threw up on the ground. The dorm dad was so upset he yelled at her and made her clean up her own throw up, even while she was still sick. I remember that year I was also having a huge growth spurt and my clothes (which I had just bought while on furlough) were getting smaller (including dresses). My dorm dad complained that I was indecent and my dorm mom made me give away the majority of my beautiful dresses. She replaced them with one dress (which was later, too short on me). My pants were high-water and the kids would make fun of me. My sandals broke (I only got one a year) and so I had to wear sneakers with my dresses to class. One day I remember specifically getting in trouble for being late to chapel because I had forgotten to change out of my flip-flops (forbidden in school) so I ran back to the dorm to change into my shoes and was late. If we didn't have our rooms picked up properly we would be grounded. If we didn't say specifically "So-and-so, could you please pass me the ketchup (or whatever)" at the dinner table we were given 15 minutes of work detail. If we came to dinner late, for every minute late, we would get 5 minutes of work detail. Work detail usually entailed picking up rotten mangoes or something equally disgusting. Needless to say, this routine almost put me under and broke the beautiful child-like spirit that God had put in my heart. Unfortunately, I fought back with my tongue. I spoke out harshly against my dorm parents and gossiped about them behind their backs. After my dorm parents had a terrible accident, I thought I was being punished for the things I had said about them. After this time, I went into a deep depression. I would cry myself to sleep every night. I didn't know who to turn to except God, so thats what I did. I read my Bible constantly. This is where I found beautiful solace and strength. God knew my heart. It took years for me to recover my personality (extroverted,compassionate and servant-hearted), but God slowly transformed me. The best year of my life was spent with my parents after I graduated from high school. I decided to spend the year with them and I never regretted that moment. I learned so much from their characters in that one year than I learned in all my years at boarding school. They always showed me how I could be a help to them, and that I was never a hindrance. I believe that has helped me in dealing with the many memories of boarding school. I realized my parents had never wished to place us at boarding school but that it simply was policy at the time. I believe the best place for a child is with their parents, until they themselves are old enough to decide whether they would like to go to boarding school or not."

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:17 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:07 pm
Posts: 62
The two threads here that have emerged in this forum are "the crime scene" and the recovery of the MKs who were victims. Both are equally important and need to be processed with equal integrity. Perhaps "Thorny" this may be a healthy place for a new topic that lays the groundwork for further activity related the the crimeand the subsequent accountability of the individuals and the mission system and this current topic could remain a thread for those who have been silent for too long. I'm honored to read every post here...keep them coming.

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:44 am
Posts: 4
I agree with ViaWings. The two posts here show how even dedication to the mission (not the organization!) and God's tremendous healing power can be one and the same.

Praise God for what transpired in your life "findingwords". As a sidenote, I, too, had trouble with the electric buffer in the main hallway at school . . .tried so hard to keep banging it against the side of the walls! :)

Thanks for your post!

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:23 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:07 pm
Posts: 79
I will tread lightly here since I am a Senegal MK and not from Via, but I wanted to say again what I posted before on the blog. It is important to hear every side of a story. Maybe a thread for the Crime Scene should be started and a thread for mks who need their voices heard even if it is about good experiences. I know that in our blog one person stated that a man had done no wrong and that promted another MK to come on and write about the physical and emotional abuse that particular man caused him and his entire family. You never know what will jar someones memories, so I would be careful about shutting anything down. For those of you who do have good experiences I would encourage you to email everything you can remember of Via to GRACE because they really do want to hear everything, the good and bad. They asked that of us from Fanda and I am sure they will ask it of you.

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:27 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:30 am
Posts: 20

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:32 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:30 am
Posts: 20

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:33 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:52 pm
Posts: 142
Hey, conflicted, I hear you and I understand what you´re saying. Let it all out, we´re lucky to have a place to do that.

I´m not sure if you were posting to me, but if you were, I´m sorry if I sounded like I was preaching. I really was more like musing, I posted what was coming into my mind at that time. I can´t help it, the only thing that has kept me sane in my life is the solidity of God. I know how nauseous it is to feel like you´re having something shoved down your throat. And when I read about people possibly coming in and trying to manipulate victims into not saying anything,, I felt a tightening around my heart and an emptiness in my stomach, a sensation that I remember well from Via (fear) which made me try to encourage people to write about Via to GRACE. Maybe it was too weak an encouragement? Please write in yourself (maybe you already have), I truly believe this organization (GRACE) is intent on getting everything out in the open.


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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:58 am
Posts: 51
It was said --

Thank you, Conflicted. I think you voiced the fear we all have been thinking. Still, there should be a way that a person can share the fact that they were abused, give enough details to validate them saying so, and still not expose either themselves or the perpetrator prematurely.

This is probably something to keep in mind. Perhaps GRACE would be able to answer this. -- I was on a forum site for a number of years for those of us who when adults were abused/exploited by persons in power, such as pastors, doctors, psychologicts. One person regularly checked the site and gave comments and bits of advice. One of the things I remember is that it was important to keep self and 'perpetrator' anonymous. The reason for that had something to do with protecting ourselves related to bringing the perpetrator up for criminal or civil charges. As I recall, people who had started that process were warned to say nothing about their perpetrator, even in a so-called anonymous fashion. -- I don't know if..., say, someone here decides to take the person who abused them to court..Would that person be able to defend themselves as being part of a witch hunt b/c of their name being bandied here? Or something? Best to ask GRACE about this. I don't want anyone to have an inch of a chance to escape.

I personally want the abusers to have their name put on flashing billboards for everyone to know! I wish NTM had a list on their front page. I don't know why they don't at least have a link to the GRACE report. Does anyone know why? Is it a good reason, or still trying to cover-up sin?

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 Post subject: Re: Silence
PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:15 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
Posts: 223
Dear Via friends,

Since this forum started I've spent countless hours pouring over each post, doing my best to acknowledge each person (because you are each important to me) and to give a thorough response.

I've been away from this forum for 24 hours and it's overwhelming to me tonight, but please know I will be back tomorrow to continue these {great!} discussions. I appreciate everyone's willingness to share and be vulnerable. I'm encouraged by this community. It's really good to know none of us are alone in this!!

However, it has been days since I have slept well. Your stories weigh heavy on my heart...and I replay them even in my sleep. I suspect it is the same with you.

So, goodnight, dear friends. May our God, who never slumbers nor sleeps give you rest tonight. I'll be back tomorrow, with a focused mind and rested body.

Boa Noite!


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