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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 3:09 pm 

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 1:52 pm
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I have more to post, but my hands (and heart) are cramping up. More later...

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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:05 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Thank you so much SimplyVIA!

That is a LOT of retyping!

Keep 'em coming (as you are able)!

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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:52 pm 

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Greetings all...

I have been a lurker for many years, and am a big supporter of the FE. I am also very interested in the report.... Specifically who where the Leaders that got the "slap on the hand" but are still in NTM?

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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:21 pm 
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Hi LookingForMore,

The leaders named in the IHART report are Alton Cothron and Stan Donmoyer.

As was discussed earlier today, there were other leaders on the East Brazil field during the period of abuse (1983-1998), but those are the two mentioned by name.

The "slap on the hand" for Alton Cothron is that investigation findings will be in his personnel file, he is to receive a letter of reprimand of NTM USA, he was asked to write a letter expressing contrition to those who gave testimony regarding his actions, and his sending church was notified of the findings related to him.

Stan Donmoyer's consequences are the same, and in addition, he is being asked to contribute to the MK Counseling Fund.

That's it.

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:32 am 
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In looking through the documents that were received by a Via MK survivor of abuse, another thing that stands out to me is the difference between consequences recommended by the Recommendations Panel and consequences actually handed out by the NTM Executive Board.

To review, the Recommendations Panel was chosen by Pat Hendrix of IHART, to go over the findings of the IHART investigation team, and together as a group, to make recommendations to the NTM EB as to consequences for abusers and other responsible parties. It is my understanding that several MKs served on this panel, and I am not sure who else.

The documents I have been sent by an MK include documents of specific recommendations from the Recommendations Panel for certain individuals, and then a letter to the MK, signed by Brian Coombs and Brian Shortmeier, which indicate actions actually taken.

For Alton Cothron, who was a field leader in East Brazil at the time of the abuse:

Recommendations from the panel:

Recommended Outcome:
- All related Statements of Findings should be placed in his personnel file.
- A copy of Alton's SOF should be sent to the identified survivors by IHART.
- A letter of reprimand should be sent to Alton Cothron by the NTM-USA EB, a copy of which should be placed in his personnel file.
- In addition, Alton Cothron should acknowledge culpability in allowing systemic child abuse to occur under his direct leadership for a decade at Vianopolis School. He should be asked to write a letter expressing his contrition and that letter should be posted on an IHART page linked from NTM's home page.
- A letter will be sent to the retired member's supporting churches advising them of these allegations and outcomes.
- Identified survivors of this abuse should receive a letter of apology from NTM. This letter will be vetted by IHART and sent out by IHART. This letter should go out prior to the sending of the SOF.

Rationale for Recommendation:
Alton Cothron's failure to act as an effective leader in these situations fostered a culture of abuse and silence about abuse at the Vianopolis School. The supporters of his ministry gave funds prayerfully and with trust that NTM would use those funds for Christ's mission. Churches consider these missionaries to be part of their ministry. For this reason, it is important that they be notified of this breach of trust. It is clear that the victims have been sinned against by Alton Cothron. His acknowledgement that he believes the victims' stories and that his failure to act caused tremendous suffering is a step in allowing the survivors to heal from this horrific period of their lives.

October 28,2013

Here is the letter sent by NTM leaders to the MK survivor:

March 27, 2014

Dear Survivor,

After reviewing the results of the East Brazil Investigation, we would like to inform you that NTM USA has made certain decisions regarding Alton Cothron. This is a confidential report about the investigation for you personally.

NTM USA has determined a series of disciplinary steps. While we are not at liberty to share disciplinary actions of personnel as a general matter, we are summarizing the portion of the plan that is particularly relevant to you.

As a survivor who gave testimony regarding Alton Cothron's actions and inactions, you will receive individualized findings prepared and sent by IHART and an apology letter from NTM USA forwarded by IHART.

NTM USA will be sending Mr. Cothron a notice of the findings of this investigation. A report of the findings of this investigation will also be in his records on file with NTM USA. Mr. Cothron will be receiving a letter of reprimand from NTM USA.

Mr. Cothron is being asked to write a letter expressing contrition to those who gave testimony regarding his actions. NTM USA is notifying Mr. Cothron's current sending church of the findings related to him.

The East Brazil's current leadership team will also be informed of these findings. It is our hope that knowledge of past failure will strengthen their resolve to be vigilant in their efforts to provide a safe environment for children.

You voice has been heard. Thank you for the information you shared with the IHART investigators.

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:51 am 
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Also comparing the two documents regarding Stan Donmoyer, another field leader in East Brazil during the period of the investigated abuse. Stan Donmoyer later served on the NTM Executive Committee.

Recommendations from the panel:

Recommended Outcome:
- All related Statements of Findings should be placed in his personnel file.
- A copy of the SOF should be sent to the survivors by IHART.
- A letter of reprimand should be sent to Stan Donmoyer by the NTM-USA EB, a copy of which should be placed in his personnel file.
- Stan Donmoyer should acknowledge culpability in allowing systemic child abuse to occur under his direct leadership for a decade at Vianopolis School. He should be asked to write a letter expressing his contrition and that letter should be posted on an IHART page linked from NTM's home page.
- A hard copy of that letter should be sent to the victims by IHART.
- Stan Donmoyer should be required to contribute to the MK Counseling Fund an amount of $1000 per survivor identified to have been hurt by his failure to act.
- A letter should be sent to the retired member's supporting churches advising them of these allegations and outcomes.
- Identified survivors of this failure of leadership should receive a letter of apology from NTM. This letter will be vetted by IHART and sent out by IHART.

Rationale for Recommendation:
While there was improvement in later years, Stanton Donmoyer's earlier inaction fostered a culture of abuse at Vianopolis School. The supporters of his ministry gave funds prayerfully and with trust that NTM would use those funds for Christ's mission. Churches consider these missionaries to be part of their ministry. For this reason, it is important that they be notified of this breach of trust. It is clear that the victims have been sinned against by Stanton Donmoyer. His acknowledgement that he believes the victims' stories and that his failure to act caused tremendous suffering is a step in allowing the survivors to heal from this horrific period of their lives.

October 28,2013

Here is the letter sent by NTM leaders to the MK survivor:

March 27, 2014

Dear Survivor,

After reviewing the results of the East Brazil Investigation, we would like to inform you that NTM USA has made certain decisions regarding Stan Donmoyer. This is a confidential report about the investigation for you personally.

NTM USA has determined a series of disciplinary steps. While we are not at liberty to share disciplinary actions of personnel as a general matter, we are summarizing the portion of the plan that is particularly relevant to you.

As a survivor who gave testimony regarding Stan Donmoyer's actions and inactions, you will receive individualized findings prepared and sent by IHART and an apology letter from NTM USA forwarded by IHART.

NTM USA will be sending Mr. Donmoyer a notice of the findings of this investigation. A report of the findings of this investigation will also be in his records on file with NTM USA. Mr. Donmoyer will be receiving a letter of reprimand from NTM USA.

Mr. Donmoyer is being asked to write a letter expressing contrition to those who gave testimony regarding his actions and also contribute to the MK Counseling Fund. NTM USA is notifying Mr. Donmoyer's current sending church of the findings related to him.

The East Brazil's current leadership team will also be informed of these findings. It is our hope that knowledge of past failure will strengthen their resolve to be vigilant in their efforts to provide a safe environment for children.

You voice has been heard. Thank you for the information you shared with the IHART investigators.

Signed by Brian Coombs and Brian Shortmeier

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:26 pm 

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Following, I am posting the Statement of Findings regarding Frank Parker, aside from any details that might identify me or another victim. I think it will be sufficient to give you an idea as to the scope of the abuse...

Independent Historical Abuse Review Team
Statement of Findings of Child Abuse Investigation
Regarding Frank Sidney Parker

To- Victim #
Date: 11/19/13
From Patricia A. Hendrix, IHART Coordinator
Re: Investigation of allegations of emotional, sexual, and physical child abuse in violation of NTM Policy by Frank Sidney Parker.

Description of Report

On (date), (Victim #) reported abusive behavior by Frank Parker which occurred in (years) during her stay in the little dorm.

Investigative team
(names listed- same as in the general report above)

Description and Scope of Investigation

The investigative team reviewed NTM's relevant records. Interviews were scheduled and carried out with survivors, former students, parents, and former staff. Your report stated:

1. Frank Parker was the one that tucked everyone in at night.
2. Frank Parker wanted to punish you for something and took you into his bedroom where he tried to make you confess to something you believed you didn't do. Parker instructed you to pull your pants and panties down for a spanking. You didn't think it was appropriate and you felt ashamed. Joan Parker came into the room and said, "Not our (survivor)."
3. Frank Parker was always on the other extensions listening to conversations with your parents, making communication with them difficult.
4. Frank Parker would suddenly appear in the girls' bedrooms while they were changing.
5. Frank Parker would walk into the bathroom at times to announce they were taking too long in the shower. You and the other girls were mortified that a grown man would walk into the bathroom like he did.

[b]New Tribes Mission's Definition of Abuse[/b]

Child abuse that is non-accidental behavior directed towards a child under the age of 18, often in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power that endangers or impairs the health or welfare of a child.

Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse if evidenced by an activity between a child and an adult or another child who by age or development is in a relationship of responsibility, trust, or power; such activity is intended to gratify or satisfy the desires of either party. Sexual abuse includes, but is not limited to , verbal, visual, and/or physical touch.

Physical Abuse
Physical abuse of a child is that which results in the threat of or in actual non-accidental physical harm from an interaction within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust. Inflicted physical injury most often represents unreasonably severe corporal punishment or unjustified punishment. Physical abuse may involve single or repeated incidents.

Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is defined as acts toward a child that cause or have a high probability of causing harm to the child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. Acts would be patterns of constant belittling, denigrating, threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing, unrealistic expectations and demands, or other non-physical forms of hostility.

Statement of Findings
The investigative team found that the report was credible and consistent and that the following behavior was substantiated under the evidentiary standard known as "Preponderance of Evidence," that is "more likely than not."

Sexual Abuse Allegations affirmed:
Based on reports from those interviewed, the team determined that behavior fitting the above definition of sexual abuse was substantiated. The team determined that Frank Parker engaged in viewing and touching minors in sexual ways.

Physical Abuse Allegations affirmed:
Based on reports from those interviewed, the team determined that behavior fitting the above definition of physical abuse was substantiated. The team determined that Frank Parker spanked with excessive force on more than one occasion.

Emotional Abuse Allegations affirmed:
Based on reports from those interviewed, the team determined that behavior fitting the above definition of emotional abuse was substantiated. The team determined that Frank Parker used words and actions to express anger in ways that were not appropriate as directed to minors. He also used preferential treatment, isolation, and other verbal methods to control minors and protect his actions from discovery.

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:41 pm 
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Roger Bailey III

Here's what I have been able to piece together from various sources:

Roger was an associate member working at the school at the time of his offences. These involved various instances of peering through windows that should have been private affecting both staff and students. He was reported at the time, though I've not been able to determine what action was taken then. In spite of this, he was later to become a full member and served some time in tribal work (dates and locations unknown). He later left NTM (date and circumstances unknown).

Feel free to update and/or correct with whatever information you have.

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:42 pm 

Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 1:52 pm
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Vianopolis Investigaton Recommendations Panel
Review for Frank Parker

Recommended Outcome:
- the Statement of Findings should be sent to those interviewed as witnesses and should be placed in his personnel file
- a copy of the SOF should be sent to the identified survivors and to MNTB by IHART
-A letter should be sent to all supporting churches and individual supporters to make them aware of the situation with an apology for the years intervening during which this information was not shared
- Identified survivors of this abuse should receive a letter of apology from NTM. This letter will be vetted by IHART and sent out by IHART. This letter should go out prior to the sending of the SOF
-in this apology, NTM should accept responsibility for providing on-going help as needed towards their healing process.

Rationale for Recommendation: There is a need to document this finding, thus the copy of the SOF should be placed in his file. In addition, following IHART process as agreed to by the executive board, the SOF must also be sent to all survivors. The supporters of Frank Parker's ministry gave funds prayerfully and with trust that NTM would use those funds for Christ's mission. MOst churches and individual supporters consider these missionaries to be part of their ministry. It is important that they be notified of this breach of trust. It is clear that the victims have been sinned against by Frank Parker. For NTM to acknowledge that they believe the victims stories and that this man's actions have caused tremendous suffering is a first step in allowing them to heal from this horrific period of their lives.

October 28, 2013

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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:27 pm 
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