I am trying to remember some of the details. Hey, I, too, am older and details slip. But, if my memory serves me correctly, the Field Committee was in contact with the EC in Sanford over the situation, and the EC told the FC to get him out.
I would also like to comment, without going back and rereading who said what, on the NTM training. Someone gave the idea that the training program, especially the boot camps, served as an assembly line to pump out missionaries. At the boot camp that I attended, that was not the case. We had 2-3 couples who were coming through for the second time after being out for 1-2 years. There were a number of us that pulled three terms before being released. I don't have a list of those in the training when I went through, but several were dismissed. I did not see boot camp as just pumping people out. Yes, in the beginning, I bought into the system. But, after a few years on the field, I began to see things differently, which is probably why I wasn't included in the inner circle. Though friends with some who were, I wasn't in the know.
A few thoughts on healing. There are trite sayings like, "Time heals all wounds." That is not true. Given enough time, one learns to cope. It has been stated that "Spirtual abuse is the mother of all abuses." The old adage that "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.," just doesn't fly. The kind of abuses some have suffered leave scars that don't easily heal, scars on the psyche, the heart and soul. There is not easy answer. But, I recently ran across a book on forgiveness. In Spanish it is, El Pdoer Sanador del Perdón, by Ray Pritchard, Editorial Patmos. The English tiltle is, The hearing Power of Forgiveness. I would like to share some of the author's thoughts on what forgiveness is not, lest you think that I believe that forgiveness is some magic balm to heal the soul. Forgiveness: 1 - ...is not being in agreement with what the other person did. 2 - ... does not mean pretending that the evil never occurred. 3 - ... does not mean looking for excuses for the evil conduct of others. 4 - ... does not mean justifying the evil manner or way that the sin becomes less sinful. 5 - ... does not overlook the abuse. 6 - ... does not mean denying that others tried to repeatedly hurt you. 7 - ... does not mean allowing others to run over you. 8 - ... does not mean disallowing to press charges when a felony/crime has been committed. 9 - ... does not mean forgetting the evil that was done. 10 - ... does not mean pretending that you were never hurt. 11 - ... does not mean that you should reestablish the former relationship. 12 - ... does not mean that you should become friends again. 13 - ... does not mean that there should be a total/complete reconciliation, as if nothing had ever happened. 14 - ... does not mean that you should say to the person that I have forgiven you. 15 - ... does not mean that all the negative consequences of the sin are cancelled.
The road to healing is through forgiveness, but each of us must find his/her own road. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend have written a book, "Safe People: How to find Relationships that are good for you and Avoid those that aren't." I am not longer good friends with some who have hurt me. The fact that I left NTM branded me as one "not good enough" to be called an NTMer. May God help you find your road to forgiveness and healing and help those who have justice for you at heart.