From: NTM Family eNews []
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:18 AM
Subject: From Director of Child Protection
Your NTM USA connection
Nov. 16, 2012
In this issue ...
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In 2009, NTM started the process of investigating allegations of child abuse that occurred over the course of our history. The first investigation was of our MK school in Senegal. Investigations are under way concerning East Brazil, Panama and Bolivia. Other countries will follow. In November 2011, Larry Brown, CEO of NTM USA, wrote, "It has been heart-wrenching to process all of this but we are determined to continue to walk in integrity and to trust the Lord for wisdom to do the right thing." Yes, wisdom is needed in each circumstance to do what is appropriate and that won't always look the same.
This is true in the case of Susan Major, whose outcome (see below) was expedited because she is an active member accused of historical child abuse.
We realize that the time these investigations are taking is causing some to question whether NTM is protecting its people, and causing others to wonder if NTM is throwing former members under the bus to save itself. The reality is, thoroughly investigating these old cases takes time, and thorough investigations are necessary for all involved.
To remind us of some of the values that were considered at the time this process began, I would like to quote some of what Larry Brown wrote in January 2012. He wrote,
We started this journey by stating that we were committed to humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God since He "resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." We are faced with this grievous sin. It should cause us to fall before God and ask for His grace and wisdom in dealing with it.
I do believe that there is a corporate responsibility that we must accept as we seek to face our history head on. We must admit the guilt, demonstrate repentance and seek reconciliation.
Our reasons for continuing to investigate past allegations to the end are threefold:
* We believe that child abuse is a grievous sin against the Lord and our MKs and it merits our care and attention to investigate these allegations.
* If there are still perpetrators within our membership, then we must be committed to removing them and doing what is appropriate.
* We hope that walking in integrity in dealing with these issues and in demonstrating care and concern to the MKs and their families will produce fertile ground for healing.
In our effort to walk in integrity, NTM has chosen to engage others outside of our organization in this process. Pat Hendrix was hired to lead the Independent Historical Abuse Response Team (IHART) whose investigators are carefully screened and vetted by an outside panel. IHART conducts investigations independently. IHART writes the Statement of Findings. IHART chooses the members of the Recommendations Panel. IHART then recommends outcomes to NTM.
To quote Larry Brown one last time, "This has not been an easy journey and we do not claim infallibility in the decisions that have been made or will be made. These are difficult, uncharted waters for us as an organization. … In our finiteness we need your prayers for wisdom and discernment as we move forward. We continue to seek godly counsel and are thankful for the team around us. If you have questions, comments, or concerns we are always available to hear them."
Brian Shortmeier
Director of Child Protection
NTM USA Executive Board
NTM received an allegation against Susan Major, when she was an active member serving in Mexico. At that point her status with NTM was changed and her options for ministry were restricted (no ministry with or near children) until the investigation into the allegations could be completed. The allegations are connected to the time she spent in Bolivia, 1966-1995, which are part of the larger investigation of the MK school at Tambo and the field of Bolivia. For the protection of children and for a determination on the future of her ministry, NTM requested and received an intermediate report from IHART.
Based on that intermediate report and NTM's Child Protection policies, the Executive Board has decided on the following:
* Ms. Major will no longer actively serve with NTM.
* Ms. Major is being required to retire and contribute to the MK fund to help with counseling costs for MKs as well as other costs related to abuse survivors.
* An official letter of reprimand from the EB will be placed in Ms. Major's file.
* NTM will make an apology in person, by phone or in writing to any abuse victims who are willing to permit IHART to provide their contact information to NTM.
* All donors who have supported Ms. Major in the last 12 months will be notified that because of her physical abuse of children she is being required to retire.
* Ms. Major will still be subject to further future possible recommendations of the Recommendations Panel to which all alleged perpetrators are subject.
When the Tambo investigation is complete, the Recommendations Panel will review the final Statement of Findings and present their recommended outcome to NTM. This report will be placed in Ms. Major's NTM file and sent to all her victims.
The EB also acknowledges failure on the part of leadership at that time to give proper oversight to Ms. Major and give adequate help to the children hurt by her actions. NTM is waiting on the full Tambo report to provide details regarding the actions/inactions of other members of the field including some former leaders.
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