Sherpa Dude, how can you remember the words to the Tambo almamater? I couldn't have remembered the first words to that song, but as I read it it all came back. How about the Bienvenidos song we sang too. I remember most of that one but there is something missing in what I remember of it.
Seems like everyone has kind of left the Tambo forum--maybe just observing, or maybe thinking that they don't see progress, maybe not wanting to say too much for fear someone may be able to identify them, maybe not wanting to stir up old memories. I check the site regularly, but rarely post, what can I say. I laugh over the good memories, I cry over the others, such mixed emotions. What a strange way to grow up and think it is totally normal until you grow up and realize it is not normal at all. Thanking God, he moved our family out of New Tribes to another field of ministry where I learned Billy Graham wasn't the antichrist and that the legalistic, humorless, judgemental, and unloving pharasees of NTM were not the type of followers Christ wanted. What a relief to be out from under that burden and what an enlighting experience to see loving followers of Christ who accepted me as I was. Believe me, having been born in NTM and then moving out of NTM during my high school years it was truly an eye opening experience.