Well, I really thought of sharing my story too. As many of us from Tambo can attest, serious abuse did happen at Tambo as well. But, as I have followed these pages for a short time I have become increasingly saddened by the content. It seems to me that this site should promote healing for all of us who were abused. Instead, what we are getting is just a whole lot more abuse. This is not a place for anybody who has a problem with NTM to have a voice to stir up trouble. Correct me if I am mistaken, but wasn't this site created for the benefit of the abused? Don't we want God to be glorified here? If that is not the goal, then we are wasting our time.
And since I myself may be kicked off this site after this post, I will add one more thing. For any of you who do not believe that God can heal you, I am deeply sorry. If the God we believe in does not have the power to restore even the most abused person among us, then he doesn't have the power to heal even one. If we don't allow God to show us how to forgive and grow from it, then our hatred is going to be the end of us all. We need to do all we can to end the abuse in NTM, but our own bitterness will never accomplish it. Let's see this thing through so that the changes that need to be made in NTM are made. But let's make sure our motivation is right, because if all we thirst for is revenge, we will never see HIS children healed. I eagerly await your thoughts,