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MK forum :: View topic - Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?
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Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?
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Author:  Gene Long [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

MK Safety Net (http://www.mksafetynet.net/about_us.htm) is a resource to and advocate for current and former MKs and TCKs who have been hurt or damaged by their experiences within the missionary environment. They seek to call Evangelical mission agencies and their supporting churches to establish justice and healing, especially in those cases where the church has wounded its own children.

MK Safety Net did a survey of various mission organizations regarding policy on child abuse. NTM was one organization surveyed. In answer to a question regarding reporting child abuse to outside agencies, NTM said that such cases are "reported to the Florida Hot line, the hot line for the alleged offender's home state and to local authorities overseas."

An earlier version of the NTM Abuse Manual (2008?) is available on-line here: http://www.mksafetynet.net/responses_new_tribes_mission.htm

Please note that on pages 14-15 of this Manual, NTM says this regarding reporting to local authorities: An interesting problem that has not been completely addressed is: What should be done with abuse allegations and resultant findings of an internal investigation in relation to the field of service? There is concern with regard to what authorities on some foreign fields of service might do to the offender. Since NTM does not usually involve local authorities in allegations and internal investigations, is NTM in some way violating local law as well as jeopardizing the mission’s presence in that country?

Contrary to the unequivocal answer NTM gave to MK Safety Net, the problem of reporting child abuse to local authorities had not been completely addressed at that time. Instead, NTM expressed concern with regard to what might happen to the offenders - a matter of much concern, I'm sure, to the offenders themselves, but rather inappropriate for NTM to concern itself with.

Does the latest version of the NTM Abuse Manual correct this? Is it available to the public?

Author:  Gene Long [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

Well, for what it's worth, NTM did furnish MK Safety Net with a copy of their Abuse Manual (now, there is an unfortunate moniker if I ever heard one!) before it was updated. But, where is the new version available?

The public should be fully informed of NTM's current policies, and their latest Abuse Manual is an essential part of this. Without a much higher level of accountability than there has been in the past, there is a real danger that old patterns will repeat themselves.

Author:  FrmrNTer [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

There is a link to download the manual on http://www.ntm.org/news/fanda_faq.php.

Author:  Gene Long [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

Yes, you are correct, FrmrNTer. The direct link is http://www.ntm.org/news/pdf/ntm_usa_child_protect_manual.pdf

From the manual, page 6: "CONTACTING THE AUTHORITIES
"NTM‐USA will follow US federal and state mandated reporting requirements."

This is important for what it does not say. It does not say that all cases of sexual abuse will be reported to law enforcement agencies in the country where the offense occurred and in the passport country of the offender, whether or not it is mandated by US federal or state law or by the laws of the foreign country.

Again, we see an overriding desire to do the least that must be done, hiding behind what is "mandated." The result is grossly unfair to the victims, their families and to society at large. Whatever this is, it is not justice.

Author:  Gene Long [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

NTM‐USA will follow US federal and state mandated reporting requirements. It is to be recognized that
in the US and many foreign countries, should the authorities initiate an investigation, the authorities
often require that any NTM internal investigation be ceased until the civil or criminal matter be
concluded. NTM will honor the requests of the authorities and either suspend an investigation or
pursue the investigation within the parameters as set forth by the authorities. NTM‐USA will work with
the local church leadership for assistance in appropriate reporting in the host country. - NTM-USA Child Protection Manual

Reciprocal relations are inherent in all human societies. Commerce (buy, sell, barter), the giving of gifts (and sending of Christmas cards), the showing of respect and even taking of vengeance are all based on the same principle: reciprocity. On this basis, secular philosophers have affirmed that there is a "natural right" to seek compensation for wrongs. Even a cursory reading of the Old Testament will confirm this: The mark of Cain, the avenger of blood and the cities of refuge all testify to the right to seek revenge, if not by the wronged party, then by his/her surrogate. The Law codified this right in the "eye for an eye" statute.

It is this right – the right of taking personal revenge (what sociologists call "two party justice") – that Christians are told to forgo in Romans 12.17-21: "Avenge not yourselves" the Apostle says. Today, we might say, "Don't take the law into your own hands." This is quite different from saying, "The legal process should not be engaged when Christians are involved."

In fact, chapter 13 of Romans, following logically upon the heels of chapter 12, teaches us that the law applies to "every soul." Here is the progression of thought: Do not avenge yourselves; God will avenge. In fact, God has ordained "the powers that be" (not a reference to NTM leadership, incidentally) for this very purpose: to be "a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." These powers are intended by God to be a terror to evil works; evil people, bad people, child molesters are supposed to be afraid of them. These authorities serve God as a third party to act righteously for wrath and revenge. Individuals Christians are, therefore, to abstain from legitimate personal revenge.

I am not altogether comfortable with the idea of NTM (or anyone else) coming between the victims (or their parents) and law enforcement; there is too great a potential for conflict of interest, as past experiences have proven. I am even less comfortable with NTM working "with the local church leadership for assistance in appropriate reporting in the host country." Besides the fact that no local church would necessarily be involved (was one in Senegal?), this leaves too much room for NTM to sidestep their own responsibility and blame a failure to report to the "host country" authorities on the preferences of the local Christian community. God has already ordained His "ministers for good" in those countries; they aren't hard to find: they bear the sword. Look to them for assistance in appropriate reporting.

Nothing should be done to discourage the parents of victims from going directly to the authorities – whether in the "host country" or the parents' passport country/ies. Indeed, they should be supported in that effort, should that be their freely chosen course of action. The only real question should be, Who is going to get to the Police Station first, NTM or the parents?

Reporting child abuse to these authorities should be high on the priority list of NTM. It should not be a matter of doing only what is required; it should be automatic and invariable.

Author:  MrsM [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

Author:  Benjamin Quilliam [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

I just wanted to say that I agree with Gene's last post about the proper place of law enforcement. Secular law is meant to wield the sword against ALL who flout the law - within the church or without. And it is not fair of the church to protect its members against the law. Reminds me of things said in 1 Peter - for example chapter 2:20: "But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it?"

Author:  Gene Long [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

I note with interest that the links posted earlier in this thread, such as http://www.ntm.org/news/fanda_faq.php and http://www.ntm.org/news/pdf/ntm_usa_chi ... manual.pdf, now return a 404 Not Found error.

Ya gotta love transparency!

Author:  Raz [ Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

There seemed to be an attempt at a certain level of humility and transparency back in 2010, but you are right.

Not anymore.

No info. No contact. Batten down the hatches. The MKs are restless.


Author:  Scatterbrained [ Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has the NTM Child Abuse policy been revised?

A dagger to the heart of a Zeolots is revenge...financial compensation is justice.!!
Money is not a dangerous weapon but pieces of paper to provide psychological help from people that charge a small fortune for their work....
When you have paid 175 dollars per hour or more for help you get it real fast.!!

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