You know, I feel torn about Tibby Westscott. I'm not sure, but isn't she the secretary or something to Larry Brown or the EC?
She probably does not have the permission to take out documents and finds herself between a rock and a hard place.
And I could be wrong. But maybe she's a pawn in the situation, or maybe she's a player. I'm thinking the former, though.
It could (and probably is) become extremely difficult for some NTMers to do what is right if they are being told not to do certain things. Especially if they are worried about legal issues: Could they get into trouble lawfully by sending information they were told not to?
An NTM wife especially would have a difficult time, I think. If her husband is insisting she not do "this or that" and she feels bound by submission not to, it could create all kinds of issues.
I am not excusing anyone or the lack of information. But I want to acknowledge that it is very difficult to make right choices and sometimes it takes longer than we hoped it would. And many people may even now be counting the cost of staying with NTM vs. doing what they really feel is the right thing to do.
Don't blow me to bits over this
... I have just been pondering Tibby's responses and wondering how she is really fitting into all of this and if we're (maybe) blaming the wrong person for her inaction.