Something about the phrase "repentance retreat" really bugs me, like if I was invited to one then I'd have to repent. Can we call it something different? Ok, so I'm not a Fanda survivor, and maybe this discussion is already taking place in a different arena, but if it isn't, here are my thoughts: 1). It might be time to put your ideas in of what you want as Fanda survivors. If you're afraid no one will like your ideas, make up another name for yourself and submit your ideas under that name, until you feel safe. 2). I think somewhere with a body of water would be wonderful, lake, ocean . . . 3). No official NTM board present, but available for phone contact, or personal invitation during the course of the weekend 4). Adult beverages on sight, as well as the perhaps less important trauma/sexual abuse counselors (with "real credentials") 5). Lots of food, hammocks, campfires, music 6). Other schools? NTM has publicly committed to having a "Repentance Retreat" for Fanda survivors. I think other schools could be combined, IMHO. We were too isolated as MKs, and their is strength in numbers. I love talking to other MKs from other schools . . . This is just a jumpstart launch . . .
Your ideas or plans?