Gene wrote: "There is, of course, another way to approach an investigation. NTO can be compelled to cooperate."
Just to clarify -- not that I am an expert about such matters, by any means, so perhaps someone else could clarify even further, but -- if an MK abuse survivor pursues a lawsuit, I don't believe that would compel an investigation. It could compel NTM to give that particular MK a financial settlement, but I can't see a scenario in which such a lawsuit would compel the cooperation of NTM in investigating abuses inflicted on other MKs who were a part of that MK's school or dorm.
In fact, I see quite the opposite as being a -- probably unintended -- consequence, which is that if an MK has retained a lawyer, that could cause NTM to clam up totally in regard to that particular school. I would think NTM would be advised by their lawyer to stop communicating with other MKs or their families from that school, because anything they say could and would be used against them. Which, in effect, cuts off hope for other survivors of seeing any progress they might have been working toward and praying for outside of a courtroom.
I am not intending this to be a judgment of those who pursue justice through the court system. I support the right of any MK abuse survivor to do whatever they feel they need to do to achieve some measure of recovery and healing from the pain they suffer.
But I don't see that a lawsuit would force NTM to do the type of investigation into the full picture of abuse that has taken place on a particular field or school, in the way that the GRACE investigation did.
So may I say, again: Please, NTM ... WE WANT GRACE!!!