Sherpa Dude, my heart goes out to you in the pain you have suffered, in part because of "family chains," and also NTM's legalistic/abusive philosophy. As I've thought over my family and the "sins of the fathers," I can go back at least 4 generations of the only discipline they knew and approved of were whippings with the belt. I'm not sure if it would have been called abuse at that time, but certainly it would be classified that way now. Being a recipient of many whippings with a belt from an angry father, which was not only condoned, but encouraged by NTM, I know how negatively it affects children. My husband and myself chose not to beat our children that way, but, unfortunately, there were siblings who, not only used the belt for every little offense, but in one case became a child abuser, whipping and verbally abusing their children. Many times abuse escalates with each succeeding generation, and the cycle continues until someone has enough of the love of God, and strength to stop it. The wonderful thing is that in spite of our "family chains," God can break that power over us and set us free! But it can be a long, painful process! God bless you, Sherpa Dude, in your life's journey!