Dear Mr Bin Laden,
I am to forgive you, as I am to forgive all men who act in the name of their god, no matter what horrendous deeds they do. For Mr Bin Laden, I was raised in a group that viewed themselves as being the epitome of their faith and martyrs to their cause, just like yourself. And the acts of child abuse, the rape, the molesting and the beating, were just reactions of being tempted by the Evil One, who's domain they found themselves in, as they did "the work", or so I am told.
Truly, Mr Bin Laden, I personally think this is ridiculous. I think you received just punishment for your crimes, but alas I am a person of damaged faith and what would I know? For many of much greater faith than I, think that those that commit acts of criminality should not suffer consequences on earth, but be allowed to go free, until they meet their Maker on the final judgement day. And some of these "men of faith" have revealed my "bitter spirits" for wishing justice to be administered here on earth, to such "godly men".
You see Mr Bin Laden, I may struggle with my faith, but I do firmly believe in fairness of justice. And that justice should be administered to all, no matter if one is of great faith or little. And I don't think the innocent victims of people who claim to be "godly" men, should be denied justice here on earth or in whatever is beyond.
Merry Christmas