"NTM/Ethnos360 provides appropriate channels for you to voice your concern." WHAT. Has he ever TRIED to voice concern? And to who? The current child protection dept is not even qualified! The qualified people got fed up being dismissed and moved on to where their work would be appreciated. When I was in training and I asked about it, I noted that I always received different answers than the MKs got. After I left, all l I got when I tried to ask questions was a huge load of legal speak that intentionally made their "solutions" very vague. If I hadn't done my research first, I would have understood their spins to be positive, but since I already knew what was going on, I understood why they wouldn't be specific with me. Like in the message from the rep, he said, "Personnel decisions were made." Yeah, and they were not ethical, but bravo! You made vague decisions.
The frustration I have about this is that they should be updating their supporters in honesty. These updates could be posted on their Facebook page if they were trying to do things differently than the past, which was all cover-ups. You're right, they're just proving the point. Not transparent at all.