After you sign the petition, you will get an email that will have something you can cut and paste into another email and send to your friends.
Your friends might include:
1. People you grew up with that continue to be interested in your life. 2. Leaders of your church 3. Missionaries supported by your church 4. People in the churches that support your parents 5. People on your church prayer chain/small group 6. Christians you have worked with. 7. Your Facebook friends (you can send it to 20 at a time) 8. People you know who pray for you regularly 9. Family members 10. Pastors of churches in your area
I mention this because I sent it to some of my e-mail groups thinking "These people aren't gonna give a hoot." And when I checked the list, there were several names that surprised me, and that was just today! So, go for it. You never know. The more names we get, the bigger impact it will have!
I did modify the message a bit, and made it more personal: "My friends and family were abused...and the mission covered it up." You get the point. Don't forget to thank them for their attention to this matter and tell them you are counting on them for their support.
Not Rocket Science, I know. But, if we are going to do this, let's do it right!
(Also, keep track of who you send it to, because you may want to send an update at a later date!)
One thing I did not mention, and absolutely should have: Ask them to pray and fast! As the date for the meeting approaches, we should all be praying and fasting for repentance, transparency, accountability...all the things we need to see...on the part of the leadership!