Every now and again I wonder about some particular aspect of how things were run in NTM training colleges. I mean about the underlying psychology of how they ran things. Would be interested to know others thoughts on these random things.
1. Work detail. I am sure that they chose the things you hated and made you do it so God could teach you. But why? Why not choose the things you were good at? [You'll laugh at this Allbetter] but I was stuck in the kitchen for 1.5 terms. Not outside in the sunshine (of which there is much in Australia). I hated it! And then hated it some more. Other "ladies" would have given their right arm to swap with me. Alas. I don't believe I learnt anything other than to peel vegetables at a phenomenal speed.
2. Sharing time. I'm interested in the psychology of the whole leaving an empty pulpit up the front and then everyone sitting there while people get up to "share". Everyone would say they felt 'led' to share x,y,z. I waited to feel such leading and consequently shared not a lot. I was told in my review (can't remember the NTM word for it) that it has been noted that I never shared or if I did it was of a trivial nature. So, I used to sit there thinking furiously about what I could share. Shame on me to - for sometimes I made something up just so I had something to get up and say. I am ashamed of that now when I look back on it - ashamed that to fit in I was not true to myself and lied, essentially making stuff up....just to please them. I still kinda feel embarrassed about it now.
3. Work detail part B. There was a woman who suffered from mild asthma and really was not that well in general. You know, the pale and pasty type. They always had her painting - even the backs of kitchen cupboards and she often felt ill from the fumes. I got myself in a power of trouble once for swapping with her one afternoon. I was weeding and heard her crying she was feeling so crook. I thought it was logical to swap so she could be outside in the fresh air and I painting inside, not especially bothered by paint fumes. Alas no. But why? Why would you want someone to be doing something that made them unwell? How could that possibly work? Perhaps she was supposed to be learning submission.
4. Ratting on others. It was a bit like the Stasi at times. Leaders quite often shared with me that others had mentioned to them various things about me that they believed were not good things. I remember being told I laughed to readily and that I was often 5 minutes early to use the washing machine (I had the first run at 5.30am). Who would even care if someone was 5 minutes early at that time of the morning. Oh, oh and once I was told that my work detail shorts were too becoming. Apparently my longish and tanned legs were a distraction (wish they still were

). Gosh the shorts were almost to my knees! And then there was the time I was told to comb my hair more often to look more feminine. Oh lord I am still embarrassed by remembering this - I had to go visit one of the leaders wives and had some instruction on doing my hair nicely. All this had the effect of creating a level of paranoia. Perhaps that was the intent.
Looking back I think I had a lucky escape getting kicked out. On further reflection I think NTM had a lucky escape as well.
Anyone have any interesting ideas on some of the psychology behind all this? Or was it just an NTM Australia thing? When I get myself remembering some of the details it really does sound cult-ish doesn't it?