Oh and one other thing I remembered just now (while baking cookies) was that an NTM leader at the time told me that as a leadership team they firmly believed that whoever God led into NTM Bible School was being led into the missionary training part. They didn't see a distinction between the two. There was a lot of pressure on those in the last phase of Bible School to enter the MTS part. I think to the leadership it was all one process - the inference being that if you did not go on to MTS you were outside of God's calling on your life. At the time in NTM Australia - all the training was in the same location in western Sydney. Not different states like I understand it is in Canada and the USA. So there was no real separation between the phases.
Oh and I have just looked up and seen that the person who gave me that pearl of wisdom is still in NTM. Gosh some people do stay in there for a while!
Best get back to the kitchen (maybe I could have made an NTM wife after all). Heh heh. I think not!!